Update on global warming!

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Im hoping for that....
I just find it ironic/funny that this is a realy bad winter, nation wide, admist the frantic global warming thing.

Actually, here in New England, it has been a pretty mild winter. We had some days in January that approached Spring-like temperatures.

I don't really believe you can call this a "bad winter, nation wide."

If that's reducing the size of the ice caps maybe that's mother natures way of providing us with more land mass to accomadate the rapidly increasing global population. Huh... think that could be it???? Why not, makes as much sense as all the other speculation. It was a rhetorical question.[/quote]

Melting ice caps reduces land mass by raising the level of the sea.
Who said it was a liberal issue? I said the newspapers were liberal. I simply offered a statement from someone, a life long Alaskan ( who happens to live two doors down, about a mile) that this was the coldest winter in a long time. I never took a side. I simple offered a statement from someone. Of course the worls is warming, it has been for 10,000 years. Next it will get cold again and we will all be dead and cockroaches and lawyers will rule the earth!..Sorry had to poke at the lawyers. They will tie there demise up in court for years demanding more and more EIRs and will never settle and die with the rest of us.
I wonder how many of the hysterical posters even looked at what I posted?

I read what you posted. It was mostly about construction practices. Didn't read it very carefully. Where was the bit about global warming?

I was walking around in shorts and a tee shirt in January in Boston when we had a whole week in the high 60s and low 70s. This was the warmest winter of my life here.

There's fairly convincing evidence that global warming is contributing to the destruction of coral reefs worldwide. This should be a concern for divers. My source for this is a special I watched on the Discovery channel about some type of starfish. It's late and I can't quite remember the details. Has anyone seen this that can talk more intelligently about it than me?
I read what you posted. It was mostly about construction practices. Didn't read it very carefully. Where was the bit about global warming?

I was walking around in shorts and a tee shirt in January in Boston when we had a whole week in the high 60s and low 70s. This was the warmest winter of my life here.

There's fairly convincing evidence that global warming is contributing to the destruction of coral reefs worldwide. This should be a concern for divers. My source for this is a special I watched on the Discovery channel about some type of starfish. It's late and I can't quite remember the details. Has anyone seen this that can talk more intelligently about it than me?

i believe your talking about the crown of thorns. i think i saw the same show, but i think it had to with nutrients from farm land run off thats causing the boom they ended up planting more trees around the rivers to try to create a buffer. the show was about the great barrier reef right? but i do agree that global warming man made or not does affect reefs.
Actually the show talked global warming a couple of times. It said something about worldwide bleaching of reefs due to high water temps. It also said that the reason that the starfish were suddenly so abundent although farming practices haven't changed much in the last 100 years is because of warmer warter temps. I don't remember the details, but I'm quite sure warmer water had something to do with it. For some reason the starfish survive better due to warm water. I clearly remember the show ending with a message about global warming.
i believe your talking about the crown of thorns. i think i saw the same show, but i think it had to with nutrients from farm land run off thats causing the boom they ended up planting more trees around the rivers to try to create a buffer. the show was about the great barrier reef right? but i do agree that global warming man made or not does affect reefs.

We definately saw the same show and fertilizer runoff was a part of it. Has anyone else seen this that can help clear this up?
I did a web search on this. The only thing that related crown of thorns to global warming was about the COTS population around Japan, where cold winter water used to kill off the COTS every winter, but in recent years the water hasn't gotten cold enough and the COTS outbreaks have increased. I can't find any mention of warmer waters affecting the COTS population on the great barrier reef, so possibly I am mistaken about this. I'll have to look for the show again.
Now there is a quality post!....Again, you and you alone have used the word "myth"
It's colder than normal way colder in Alaska where the ice is supposed to be melting!

No, I feel that I responded apporopiately to the tone and implications of your post, namely the following:

1. You believe the recent cold winter in Homer is evidence that global warming is not occurring. Otherwise why did you post it?

2. You believe that this information is being supressed, since you said the story won't make prime time.

3. You believe that this issue is part of a liberal agenda because certain conservative pundits say it.

I know you didn't explicitly say any of the above. But it was in there nevertheless. Thus my reply.

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