Update on global warming!

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If they are lower than average, how does that make them higher than average? I can speak lawyer too.
Besides, this was just a long cold winter, colder than many in a very long time.
dude ...

oh never mind ... you're right ... this graph is just a UN lie


there is no global warming. all the experts in the field studying the problem for over 10 years are wrong. all the evidence of a warming trend is wrong.

silly me. it was a cold winter, and thus there's no global warming

If they are lower than average, how does that make them higher than average? I can speak lawyer too.

sure, anyone can

you just don't seem to understand what "average" means
there is no place for propaganda or politics on a scuba discussion board. I wont offer all the counter arguments to the global warming hoax and you keep your supporting articles confined to the appropriate boards. thank you very much.

Actually, the issue of global warming is VERY relevant to a SCUBA discussion board since it has tremendous effects on the ocean and the marine life in it. I have yet to read the linked article, but assume from your post that it offers evidence that supports global warming as a fact. In view of the unprecedented concurrence on this issue by scientists (at least those not paid directly by the oil or tobacco industries), your counter arguments could probably be quickly shot to hell.

And what's all this crapola about global warming being a liberal issue? Is someone suggesting that the vast majority of scientists who concur on this issue are all liberals? I don't think so. Intelligent, yes... but that doesn't necessarily cause them to be liberal (although there is a high correlation!).
oh brother...

btw, that was written in 2001

since then, pretty much everything they said "wasn't true" has in fact come true, including melting polar ice caps and dissapearing European alpine glaciers

funny that
Tough crowd Andy... perhaps you'll like this one...

Here's how to sidestep any investigation into a complex issue occupying some of the brightest minds in the world, do minimal fact-finding and come out sounding informed enough to make it on cable news:

1) Cite one inconsistency or somewhat misleading portion of the film ''An Inconvenient Truth.''
2) Find a quote from one expert who at least partially disagrees with something Mr. Gore said in the film.
3) Bring up Mr. Gore's electric bill.
4) Throw in an ad hominem about Mr. Gore's weight, beard or any personal aspect you wish to mock (call it the ''Coulter closer'' -- rebutting an argument by insulting the person).
yeah ... oh he's loved... Al Gore is loved

Who said it was a liberal issue? I said the newspapers were liberal. I simply offered a statement from someone, a life long Alaskan ( who happens to live two doors down, about a mile) that this was the coldest winter in a long time. I never took a side. I simple offered a statement from someone. Of course the worls is warming, it has been for 10,000 years. Next it will get cold again and we will all be dead and cockroaches and lawyers will rule the earth!..Sorry had to poke at the lawyers. They will tie there demise up in court for years demanding more and more EIRs and will never settle and die with the rest of us.
I wonder how many of the hysterical posters even looked at what I posted?
I offered a statement from someone, a life long Alaskan ( who happens to live two doors down, about a mile) that this was the coldest winter in a long time.

sure ... so?

this is why you need the big picture, and not what some guy down the road says
MR. Gore. The Goracle. What an extremist.

The temperature records speak for themselves. I don't think anyone is falsifying the facts. Well, Gore maybe... at least exaggerating the facts.

The models are suspect. Very minor changes to the patterns can produce totally opposite results so the question is what result does the modeler want? Global cooling or warming.

I think we have to protect our evironment. America alone cannot do it. We also need to ensure our knees aern't jerking so violently that stupid (political decisions) decisions are made.

If I'm reading Andy's graph correctly we've had a temperature increae of about .08 of a degree over that last 120 years.

If that's reducing the size of the ice caps maybe that's mother natures way of providing us with more land mass to accomadate the rapidly increasing global population. Huh... think that could be it???? Why not, makes as much sense as all the other speculation. It was a rhetorical question.

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