Unwanted E-Mail

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Reaction score
Oak Harbor, Whidbey Island, WA
# of dives
200 - 499
Help! All of a sudden I'm getting e-mails every minute from ScubaBoar forums! I didn't ask for this, and tried to turn it off, but they keep coming. What gives?
Yes, but I don't understand what "subscribed" means. I never intended to do anything but read and post to these threads. Do I have to be "subscribed" to a thread to do that? I see on my Control Panel page that I am subscribed to threads that I've posted on in the past, but I didn't do that intentionally, they just show up. I don't want to be notified by e-mail every time there's a new post. And it never happened until just now.
Try this-

Go to UserCP (should be the third one over in the menu options above)
User options (on the left)
Reset the default thread notification to no email.

edit- Oops- and save the change!
Go to UserCP at the top;
then Edit Options;
to Default Thread Subscription Mode;
Select No Email Notification;
Save Changes at the bottom. :wink:

Oh Hi Lawrence - simultaneous posts nearly.
Who's Lawrence?
Who's Lawrence?
Oops, mistaken gorilla recognition.
Had to look that one up- I've always called it a keyboard user interface problem.


and the hat usually gives me away...

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