UNO results are in!!

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We played again today.... This time there was 4 of us. Rod, Komi, TG, and me. We played 2 games and Rod won both. I lost both... like, I was the last one holding cards. LOL Rod and I played Connect Four, and I won. Anyway... we also practiced the all-important skill of headstands... and we danced a little on a platform. LOL Anyway... I should have more pics to post in the next couple of days.

Oh, TG... by the way... it appears that you got fired from SB!!! LOL Public Relations must NOT be your thing! Hahaha
You forgot the near disaster with the falling Uno cards. One thing to note for those of you who plan to play... the binder rings (at least the super cheap ones I bought lol) begin to fall apart after a while. We have been shuffling and dealing the hands prior to submerging and I had all the cards clipped to the ring that held the 1st card on the discard pile. I had that ring clipped to my BC. Well... that ring came open. Thankfully, the only thing that came off was the 1st card for the discard pile (rather than all the cards clipped together...) so erparamedic started pointing frantically behind me. I finally saw the stray Uno card, and grabbed the rest with my left hand. I then had to alternate between equalizing and reaching. I was going down to get it pretty fast so I couldn't just reach and grab it- I had to keep pinching my nose!

Disaster averted- we got the card and when we were done playing, I put them in my mesh bag for the return trip (although, I almost lost the mesh bag once, too!).
Oh, TG... by the way... it appears that you got fired from SB!!! LOL Public Relations must NOT be your thing! Hahaha

Well- it's accurate. I don't work here! I just play here. But I am, apparently, easy to mess with! And I know who the "smiley manager" is here at the board, so I've got my secret sources...
Reggae Joe:
Ain't gonna happen. Why's everyone picking on me?

Well, Joe, my money's on you at the GLWC M&G... you are going to kick Uno H2O butt!

I will warn you that even on the platforms, it gets a little chilly. You are, after all, not moving. At all. If you happen to have something you could take down that would act as a sturdy table, it might be a good idea- just to get you a few feet shallower.

Take that with a grain of salt, though. I'm a cold-water wimp. I had my full hood on (not just my beanie). The no gloves thing makes me colder (can't really manage the cards with gloves on- though erparamedic's husband seemed to do fine with it).

And Uno H2O is DEFINITELY more fun with 3 or 4 players.
trucker girl:
Well, Joe, my money's on you at the GLWC M&G... you are going to kick Uno H2O butt!

Not if I have any say in it!

Victory will be mine!

trucker girl:
You forgot the near disaster with the falling Uno cards. One thing to note for those of you who plan to play... the binder rings (at least the super cheap ones I bought lol) begin to fall apart after a while. We have been shuffling and dealing the hands prior to submerging and I had all the cards clipped to the ring that held the 1st card on the discard pile. I had that ring clipped to my BC. Well... that ring came open. Thankfully, the only thing that came off was the 1st card for the discard pile (rather than all the cards clipped together...) so erparamedic started pointing frantically behind me. I finally saw the stray Uno card, and grabbed the rest with my left hand. I then had to alternate between equalizing and reaching. I was going down to get it pretty fast so I couldn't just reach and grab it- I had to keep pinching my nose!

Disaster averted- we got the card and when we were done playing, I put them in my mesh bag for the return trip (although, I almost lost the mesh bag once, too!).

Hahaha!! Going down "fast".... uh-uh.... you plain "bolted"!!!

I'm telling ya... I saw it and thought... "what is that thing, floating down like a feather? OH SH-T!!! It's an UNO card!" So... I was waving frantically (whilst trying not to spook TG) and moving closer to her to get her attention... as I was in her periferal vision, and I wasn't sure if she could see me. Finally, she looked at me very odd-like...and I started pointing at the card (you see, I can't decend very fast). She kinda just stared at me for a second, then was looking at it for a second... then she must have realized that it was a card... Then... she BOLTED for it! Like there was this giant whoosh of water when she took off! So "whooshey" that it blew me back! Hahaha LOL But... she saved the card from falling into the abyss... and thus the UNO game was saved!
lol . . .I'm trying not to laugh too hard in my cubicle at the thought of you guys racing around trying to keep all the cards from escaping!
Oh, no... you see... TG did the racing... I did the pointing! LOL

Too bad there's not any "scuba races". I think TG just might have a chance at winning! LOL
Those Uno H2O cards have an escape plan- I'm telling you. And Blue Springs is a little creepy- you can't see what's below you (and you can only go so far before you are no longer with your buddy) so it almost made it! At Gilboa I'd probably go after the card- all the way to the bottome- it would be a little mucky and gross, but the vis is a lot... well, maybe not BETTER, but it's certainly brighter there. I can't explain it.

And to those who say there is no current at Blue Springs- you are full of it! We played our 1st hand yesterday on top of the armored car and there was a definite west-bound current. I was going slightly west and north and kept having to swim out and around and back to the car. erparamedic had the same westbound motion. And when I put my hand down (face DOWN people!) it was not very weighted and it would slowly move west.
Yeah... I agree, there was a little current going on... but this time... I didn't body slam anyone! LOL Actually, I think this time, you had a little more issue with the current than I did... and well, Rod... hell, he's a rock. He just stayed planted in the same spot the WHOLE time and NEVER moved! What's up with that? LOL

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