UNO results are in!!

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Yipee! Just stopped by Target today, and they had UNO H2O cards!

Now, I just have to punch a whole bunch of holes before I start calling people to come over for a pool checkout game. :D
I'm jealous that you found some. I looked in Wally World the other day and they didn't have any!
Target (pronounced "tar-zshay") is the elitist Walmart. They have the upper-crust toys. (You can order them from for what I paid for them in my local Target.)
Yes- must be Target. And I did see them at KB online- but they don't carry them in the KB toy STORES which I thought was odd. If you get them online- DON'T SPEND more than $8... I saw them for as much as $15! Crazy.

They were $7 something at target...

ClayJar you have NO idea how much of an ego boost it is for me (and erparamedic) that you went out and bought the cards... we have ACCOMPLISHED IT! I HAVE DONE WHAT NO DIVER BEFORE ME HAS DONE! I HAVE CONQUERED UNDERWATER UNO!

Okay- probably someone, somewhere figured it out before we did- but I needed my moment on the mountaintop there... Phew... :)

(plus, to conquer, I think you have to win a lot... which I HAVEN'T done)
Okay . . .Now I have an excuse to go to a "real" city that has high class stores like Target. I live in a two Walmart town - soon to be a two super walmart town - and there's a sam's club as well - choices are over rated.
It's one of those "you know you're a diver when..." things, I suppose, but I didn't buy just one pack, either. It wouldn't be prudent to not have a backup for vital game support equipment, so I bought *two* packs. :D

Actually, I bought two UNO H2O packs, and four decks of standard plastic cards (since they *were* right there on the same endcap). Do you have any idea how long it takes to punch two holes each in 432 cards?!? The answer, for me at least, was "approximately one Saints football game", which was actually a rather more enjoyable way to watch a Saints game, but I digress. :wink:

(Incidentally, I'm going to try to get some underwater card games played at Vortoberfest this year...)
Standard plastic cards meaning plain-old playing cards or actual plastic cards in a standard deck? I realise we're getting sort of techincal here- perhaps we need to start our own DIN of underwater gaming?

Did you buy the binder rings? I bought a 12-pack at Staples. They are nickel-coated and I honestly don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing. The ones I got from Wal-Mart were dainty/pretty binder rings and corroded pretty fast.

I am probably going to buy another deck as a "backup deck." But for now- I've done pretty well. I re-counted my deck when I got home from diving on the 23rd and they're all there- 108 cards. 25 each red/blue/green/yellow and 8 wilds. Am I turning into a geek or what? erparamedic, her husband and I actually played rock, paper, sissors to see who would go first...

Who am I kidding about turning into a geek. You can't turn into something that you already are... :)

eckybay, I imagine there's a Target in Toledo somewhere... on your way to Detroit. Don't go to Target in Detroit- you might get mugged!

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