UNO results are in!!

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I think this is my new fave thread! You guys are nuts!
I gotta ask though, what's the difference btw a lake and a quarry? Tons of mountain lakes in my area, but I've never heard of a quarry!!

Would Scubuno work in a lake by chance? :D
A quarry is a surface mine where the product is the dirt, sand, or rock itself, instead of something in it. Functionally, it's like a freshwater lake, but generally not connected to anything else by surface water. Often, quarries can be considerably deeper than the surrounding lakes in some parts of the country.

Around my area, the difference between a lake and a quarry is that in a lake, you have to use Braille cards. (But ScubUNO would work if you knew Braille.)
I think this is my new fave thread! You guys are nuts!
I gotta ask though, what's the difference btw a lake and a quarry? Tons of mountain lakes in my area, but I've never heard of a quarry!!

Would Scubuno work in a lake by chance? :D

Sure it would work.... if the vis is good enough to see your cards and your buddy. Beware of mild currents though... we've played in mild currents at Blue Springs Quarry and it was an "ever moving" game of Scubuno!! LOL Just ask Trucker Girl about being body slammed when I got into the current! LOL
You know, she'd mentioned being rammed by you...she was debating whether or not it should be incorporated as an official Scubuno tactic. :)
LOL! Of course it should be! However, the tactic works best if you are in a current... as we were. How else do you think I was able to win 2 straight games??? It her hovering and staring at my cards was no match for my tactics..... bwaahahaha! In another thread it looks like you'll be at Gilboa on the 23/24 of this month for the M&G... is this still true?? I'm trying to pawn off some of my work hours and see if we can get the $$ together to make it up there. We'll have to see.
Becky and I were actually pretty jealous of her one point, she was doing the classic floating headstand right above the bus. I USED to be able to hover like that, but not anymore. Damned expanding waistline...

...but I agree with you on your tactics. Becky and TG are devious at the game (especially the lovely Becky). During the second game, they kept shelling me with Draw Twos, Draw Fours, Reverses, and Skips. They deserve anything we dish out, I say. We should form a team, ER. :)

We're still debating if we'll have funds for the meet and greet...I'll keep you posted as to whether or not we'll be there.
Joe... It'll be you and me, baby... we'll be a team!! ((Shhhh... don't tell the others though. It's our little secret.)) I'll tell ya, TG can hover upside down FOREVER!!! And hey... don't feel bad... I have that expanding waistline issue too! :)

As far as the M&G goes... I just realized I have to pick my parents up from the airport late on the 23rd. They will be getting back from their dive trip in Roatan... must be nice!!! So, I won't be able to go. :( We'll have to make a dive trip on Sunday, closer to home... probably Haigh or France Park. There's a treasure hunt at France Park on the 24th.
No fair gaining up on people. Just 'cause ya'll are jealous of my mad skills!

We need to check out the dive spots over in IN at some time. . . .I'm thinking weekend trip - unfortunately the budget says not this year :(
Karma. I told you it'd come back on you. Erparamedic, we'll drop some killa Uno skillz on Becky and TG.

Becky, honey, MAYBE we'll let you come in third place. :)
No fair gaining up on people. Just 'cause ya'll are jealous of my mad skills!

We need to check out the dive spots over in IN at some time. . . .I'm thinking weekend trip - unfortunately the budget says not this year :(

I'm feeling the "budget crunch" too. When you come to IN... let me know and maybe we can meet up... and play a MEAN game of ScubUNO. Bwahahaha. :eyebrow:

I want to go to Mermet Springs... but that will be next year... due to the budget thing.

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