UNO results are in!!

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Actually, *I* managed to mention the topic in *my* post, so there! :D

Is there any quarry (or other divable water) somewhere between you guys (or if you'd prefer, the southernism "y'all" instead of my native Wisconsinism "you guys") and Louisiana? I'd love to get up there to play, but it's just a smidge too far to easily get there and dive on a weekend (and weekdays for me are toast).

Too funny!

And up in my hick neck of the woods, they tend to say "y'uns" which makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up...

What kind of diving do you have down there? Are the conditions suitable for card games? I just assumed Ocean but you must have lakes and stuff, right? I can't believe no one down there would play with you (OCD and strange issues aside...). I went diving with two people who weren't too hip on the whole Uno thing (two seperate times) and got them both to play a game with me... persistence pays off!

You'll kill me for telling you this but I was just in Memphis this weekend. I went down to meet up with my husband who was going from CA to FL- I had to get some car parts out of the truck trailer and take them home... I thought about taking my dive bag and seeing if I could hook up with anyone but I wanted to be home by last night (which I was... barely) to make sure I was "up for diving" Wednesday...

Oh well- next time!
HA!! Too funny!! But ever so true! I wonder what body parts will be oozing today? We did recently have a guy with a shot glass in his.... um... I can't say it on the board!! It said "OHIO"!! LOL (NOT joking!!)

OK... back to the topic...

I tried to find the plastic regular playing cards... but my Walmart didn't have any. I'll have to keep my eyes open for some.

Umm. . .EWW.

Here's what the cards look like, if it helps any
You could always do the ebay thing . . .but they seem kind of high priced on there once you figure in shipping. I know I paid less than $4.

Might want to check Walgreens as well if there is one near you. They have them on the website.

If you don't have any luck, let me know. I can always pick up another deck and mail them to you.
trucker girl:
What kind of diving do you have down there? Are the conditions suitable for card games? I just assumed Ocean but you must have lakes and stuff, right? I can't believe no one down there would play with you (OCD and strange issues aside...). I went diving with two people who weren't too hip on the whole Uno thing (two seperate times) and got them both to play a game with me... persistence pays off!
I've heard it said that Toledo Bend (TX/LA border) is diveable, and I've heard that on a good day, if you get far enough in, Lake Pontchartrain is diveable. I've not yet been able to work out getting wet in either, as I'm mostly equipped for shore dives. (Lots of spearfishing is done on the rigs off Louisiana, but bottomless water with strong currents isn't exactly card-friendly.)

That said, the places I seem to frequent most are Alabama Blue Water Adventures in Pelham, AL, (south side of Birmingham, just outside I-459, the various Florida panhandle springs (Vortex for fills, camping, and pricey diving; Cypress for a nice canoe paddle; Morrison for everything else -- free!), and the various jetties and beaches.

As far as other water in Louisiana, you could play UNO pretty easily, as long as you knew Braille and could imprint the cards, the former being significantly more difficult than the latter. Of course, there's a nice, if small and shallow (8' max), pool in my parents' backyard, which will be a nice confined water test for UNO, if I can get any of my diving acquaintances to meet up for a test game, and it's less than two miles from air fills, too. :D

Three games in a row (okay, we only played 3 games)! And Reggae Joe accused her of cheating... but I didn't see anything. And R. Joe is the one who tried to put a yellow draw two on top of a green reverse which just messed us all up with the confusion it caused. Only to be followed by an attempt to put a red 9 on top of a green (blue? yellow?) 6 and trying to pass it off as a Hendrix reference...

3 out of 3 (and then she disappears during the night dive... it must be magic!)!
It's all my good karma, I tell ya.

Part of me wanted to stick out the night dive longer. But I was cold and sleepy. Actually I'm still sleepy. Stupid alarm clock goes off way to freakin' early in the morning. Most go to be and not be sleepy.

UNO H20 Rocks!
trucker girl:

Three games in a row (okay, we only played 3 games)! And Reggae Joe accused her of cheating... but I didn't see anything. And R. Joe is the one who tried to put a yellow draw two on top of a green reverse which just messed us all up with the confusion it caused. Only to be followed by an attempt to put a red 9 on top of a green (blue? yellow?) 6 and trying to pass it off as a Hendrix reference...

3 out of 3 (and then she disappears during the night dive... it must be magic!)!

Hmmmph. I still say I was robbed.

Big up to Trucker Girl and Barracuda2 (and to the lovely eckybay) for a great time yesterday. We GOTTA do it again sometime. :14:
What's "Big up" mean?

You have to remember, I'm queen of the geeks so I don't get cool references and sayings...

I know I didn't tell you about my title yesterday. I didn't want to intimidate you. :)

I think we were both robbed- was does she have any voodoo powers I don't know about?
Lol..."big up" is a bit of reggae/Rasta terminology that means you guys rule. Sorry again about your flip-flops, though. :)

As for her voodoo powers...didn't you see the altar she'd set up near the quarry's main office?
So THAT'S what happened to the Gilboa sign...

Yeah, reggae/Rasta terminology is WAY too cool for me. You'll have to stick with c.b. lingo from now on, roger? Oh, and don't say "good buddy" unless you're talking to a guy of a different... persuasion... than you... was that pc enough?
Lol...reading you five-by, TG.

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