UNO results are in!!

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Okay, in the interest of whirled peace, how 'bout if we bring an opaque goodie bag down, toss the pond in there, and use that?

(And it's not the OCDer in me that suggested the fish farm pile, it was the chemical engineering degree... which may actually be a symptom of the former, come to think of it.)
No, please don't dare admit that. :wink:

Although I'll openly admit that I've never seen either, being completely uninformed has never proven to be much of a barrier here. :D

(I can't seem to get anyone to come over to try out a game of UNO in the pool here... I'll have to see if anyone from the Rescue course I'm starting Wednesday might come.)
Um, if anyone knows me and *doesn't* think I'm a bit... eccentric... I would likely have to join with everyone else in questioning *their* normality.

Incidentally, since your profile mentions your location including all 48 in your tractor trailer rig, might I ask if you would agree with me in my judgement that the drivers on I-10 in Texas between San Antonio and Houston are the worst drivers in the US? I would describe them as "learned to drive watching NASCAR -- but only the highlight reel", and their wanton disregard for anything passing for sanity far surpasses New Jersey's blatant disregard for other vehicles or even Miami's paramilitary style.

I and my car have driven all 48 (plus DC) plus a good number of Canadian provinces *and* all the way up the Alaska Highway past Fairbanks onto the Dalton Highway and right to the end of the road in Deadhorse, Alaska, at Prudhoe Bay (I went swimming in the Arctic Ocean -- sadly, this was before I was a diver, and plastic UNO cards hadn't been invented yet, anyway). Someday, I'll have to make it to Hawaii to finish out the US, but so far, I have not found a reasonable way of driving there (although I have several not-too-reasonable concept plans, which probably finishes the validation of your "you're very strange" comment, eh?).


Period. End of story. No question in my mind at all.

Though I will say the west side of Houston (from the toll road to 610 and the entire west side of 610) very simply stated... stinks. I absolutely HATE going to Houston.

Brooklyn and Queens also... stink.

I actually don't mind L.A. traffic. Hey- you KNOW you're going to be sitting and you have a lot of options for how you want to go...

We're getting dangerously close to "Ever hear of PMing" territory here (I made the accusation to some other posters on another thread- in jest- but I don't think erparamedic will mind- she works with sick, drugged up, oozing people...)
Okay. . . .Just to bring a little bit of on topicness (is that a word?) to the thread. . .We ARE going to play UNO tomorrow, right?
trucker girl:
We're getting dangerously close to "Ever hear of PMing" territory here (I made the accusation to some other posters on another thread- in jest- but I don't think erparamedic will mind- she works with sick, drugged up, oozing people...)

HA!! Too funny!! But ever so true! I wonder what body parts will be oozing today? We did recently have a guy with a shot glass in his.... um... I can't say it on the board!! It said "OHIO"!! LOL (NOT joking!!)

OK... back to the topic...

I tried to find the plastic regular playing cards... but my Walmart didn't have any. I'll have to keep my eyes open for some.
Actually, *I* managed to mention the topic in *my* post, so there! :D

Is there any quarry (or other divable water) somewhere between you guys (or if you'd prefer, the southernism "y'all" instead of my native Wisconsinism "you guys") and Louisiana? I'd love to get up there to play, but it's just a smidge too far to easily get there and dive on a weekend (and weekdays for me are toast).
Okay. . . .Just to bring a little bit of on topicness (is that a word?) to the thread. . .We ARE going to play UNO tomorrow, right?

I can't believe you even had to ask that! They've been packed in my goodie bag for almost a week. I lovingly dried them and settled them in their little holder and tucked them away...

You must remember:

Okay, really, I DO have a life... it's just more dramatic to say I don't have one. I am looking forward very much so to playing with you guys...

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