AA has flights on the books in April and on but waits to cancel until just before the flight.
DL says they will start flights on June 5.
UA has flights on the books starting Nov 6; they also say they might reinstate some flights sooner than that.
The continuing issues are mainly the testing requirements to get into Bonaire, and the horrible situation on the ground there right now.
Both will change.....but when? The former are not up to Bonaire; the Netherlands decides on their entry requirements. The latter are indeed up to Bonaire, but the lackadaisical island culture has not shown much discipline about the various restrictions. Perhaps the almost total lockdown going on now, with a curfew, and with enforment and penalties, will make a difference, we'll know in another week or two. The vaccination schedule has been about 1000 a week, to be increased soon to 3000 per week. the population is 20,000 with two shots each, so 40,000/3000 is 14 weeks. The downside is the island culture again: getting the vaccination is not a local priority.