One of my instructors said, "If you haven't been bent yet, you haven't been diving often enough, long enough."
By the same token, if people are taught that DCS means they just do a lot of diving, and is like a sports injury, they're significantly more likely to not try and gain a better understanding of it so they can avoid it
Not just that, but then people start wearing DCS as a badge of "honor" -- similar to what some mma fighters do with cauliflower ears. I've read in threads here in SB of people questioning comments about DCS because the author has never been bent. Basically sounding like, you're not qualified enough because you haven't been bent. So what? Do I have to celebrate when I get my DCS cherry popped? Will I be a real diver then? Frankly, I think that's somewhat dumb.
I get that if you do a high enough number of dives, there is a high likelihood (certainty?) that you'll get a hit. I get that large number of dives = experience. But we have to be very careful not to preach or communicate that
DCS hit = large number of dives = experience
There's nothing glorious in DCS. I'm doing everything in my power to avoid a hit.
It is as simple as this, if you get bent it is because of one thing, and one thing only!! YOU DID NOT DECOMPRESS LONG ENOUGH FOR THE DIVE YOU MADE!!
JC's statement is true regardless of the conundrum of after-the-fact-useless-circular-logic. You did run out of fuel because you drove too far -- still remains true albeit useless after the event. I'm no dive god. I do easy conservative dives. I know GF 30/85 is fairly popular. I dive 30/80 and then some. 30 ft/min ascent is fairly popular. I do 10ft/min from 70' and up. I'll extend my last two stops just for the heck of it. I hydrate, avoid strenous exercise right after, avoid alcohol b4 and after, etc. Echoing JC, I try to be as "sure" as possible that I am decompressing long enough.
I've heard it said that, "you have to listen to your body". I get the meaning, but I would rather have my body silent because it has nothing to tell me regarding DCS. Does this make me a lesser diver? I'm I reflecting my inexperience? I don't care if it does. It still does not change the fact that I have been diving for more than half of my life, nor that diving has been practically a rite of passage in my family for three direct generations. Cauliflower ears are not a good thing, irrespective of the many glorious battles that caused them. DCS is never a good thing, irrespective of it being a sports
injury or an indirect sign of experience.