I suscribe to both the print and on-line versions of UC. I like the print version as I can read it wherever I like, such as in bed before going to sleep, and the on-line to easily see things grouped by category when I'm looking for something (and due to our household pets occasionnally shredding printed matter for fun & amusement on their part when accidentally left within reach while we're at work or out to dinner).
I use the Chapbook like I use this board or any source of info - potentially a candle to avoid cursing the darkness, but remain cognizant that opinions are opinions.
Their equipment features and DAN study summaries are things I particularly pay attention to in the print version. This was the first place I saw the Scubapro MK 20 news on the yoke nut, that Scubapro has now issued a bulletin for. When I had my MK 20 serviced in Nov. 2005, I spoke of this at the LDS most convenient to our new house - they didn't know anything about it and when I received the regulator after service the yoke nut issue had not been addressed. Needless to say, my MK 20 is having service at a different shop this month, and one of the first things the owner mentioned when he picked it up off the counter was the yoke nut issue hadn't been addressed but that he would take care of this during the current service.
To each his or her own for info sources.