Deep South Divers
Thanks for the video seajay, just what I needed to see as I plan to get the oval sitech cuffs on my next suit. It was very well done.
My pleasure! Glad to see it's been helpful. I think seeing it done makes it a lot less intimidating than if we just talk about it.
It actually gave me some inspiration as well. I've had this off and on leak in my right glove/arm. Because of your confidence in the system, I decided to do an overhaul.

I started with a new wrist seal, I had used heat tape last time, so it was a relatively easy process to replace. Then soaped the suit/arm/new seal with no leaks. Then put on a new suit ring I had in the box from the set I used for my backup gloves. Then added a new oring to the wrist ring. I had the foresight to order some previously due to the experience from my DC rings.
Soaped it all again with the 720's in place, no leaks. I was planning to do some small repairs with aquaseal on some trim, and unfortunately tore my neck seal during this whole process. It was worn and needed to be replaced anyway.
So once I get the neck seal replaced, with heat tape again. I'll be looking forward to get back in the water to check my repairs. Fall is a great time to dive here. The air is cooler, the tree colors are amazing, and the water temp is still relatively warm. Mid 40's.
BTW, I'm diving a fusion tech, for a few years now, it's been a workhorse and no complaints from me, so my plan to get another fusion, and move this one to my backup.
Thanks for all your input and effort into this thread. I'll post up after I get back in the water.
Man! I couldn't be happier.

Sorry to hear about your neck seal. My glued-on latex ones are great, but they only last a season or so before they split. I think the latex just gets aged and weak. Silicone doesn't do that.
...But the silicone neck seals can not be glued on - they require the SiTech Quick Neck, which also gives you the advantage of being able to choose silicone or latex and replace them yourself.
The bad thing about the Quick Neck system is that donning and doffing is a little tighter for my big noggin... And that the ring is sometimes noticeable on my collar bones during a hard squeeze. I find it slightly obtrusive, but in the long run the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, so that's what I have equipped my suits with.
The silicone neck seal is pretty sweet... Very comfortable and seals great.
One thing that I noticed about the Quick Neck... The factory warm neck collar that came with my suit's glued-in latex neck seal doesn't fit it... Therefore, moving from a glued-in latex neck seal to a SiTech Quick Neck either means that they remove the warm neck collar completely or replace it with an adjustable Velcro warm neck collar that absolutely sucks.
As such, I had DRIS make me a whole new, nonadjustable warm neck collar that fts the ring and my neck super well... And is a modification that I highly recommend when replacing a glued-in latex neck seal: Get both the SiTech Quick Neck - with silicone seal - AND a new warm neck collar.
Here's a video about it. The guy that did the custom build is Chris Conterez at Dive Right In Scuba: