At least twice that, the 540 ton figure is semiconductor grade neon production, actual world production figures are hard to find without paying. But probably not enough helium is produced as a byproduct to directly impact the cost of helium.
There is about 1/3 as much helium as neon in the air. Ok, neon is 0.0018% and helium is 0.0005%. So you need a truly enormous scale to produce significant amounts of any noble gas but argon.
Apparently some ridiculous percentage of world semiconductor grade neon production is in Ukraine, due to Ukaine doing the secondary distillation of the noble gasses from the massive air separators that Russian steel plants have. And neon is apparently critically important for lasers in modern chip production.
Presumably the Ukranian plants would also produce krypton and xenon, may or may not do helium when they were operating