The governor hands out the taxi medallions in QROO, when additional taxis are required. They are usually doled out in groups of twenty or so, every few years. A new medallion (placa they say in CZM) is supposed to go to the next taxi sindicato member waiting in a line based on his seniority. In practice, some go first to the governor's family or friends, and then a token amount goes to the waiting sindicato members. I had a friend who waited 24 years in line for his placa. Once you have a placa, you can use it yourself and be a taxista, or you can hire drivers to drive your taxi for you. Most people get drivers and let them run shifts, so one placa may have one car, one placa owner, and three drivers. The drivers pay a fixed daily rental fee to the placa owner, but the driver keeps the fares and tips. That means there could be four families that are associated with each placa, and the Taxi Union's families tend to vote as a block. There are now over 900 placas on Cozumel. You must be a sindicato member to have a placa or drive a taxi. I am guessing that of the 900 or so placas, 300 or 400 of them are owned by a handful of well-placed families, but I am not sure.