Two on a computer

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One of the reasons each of you should have "X" is that if one of the "X"s fail you have another between the two of you.

I have two timing devices. One is in my computer. The other is on my wrist - its called a watch. I set the bezel when we start down, and run the profile on my tables beforehand. I know how long I can stay on the table - that's my backup.

If the table would be bent when the computer fails, then I will immediately ascend - do my usual deep stop(s) and then blow the rest of my gas, less a couple hundred pounds, at 15 feet. That should be safe, since in theory the computer was still within my NDL when it puked.

Pushing your luck just isn't wise. You'll get away with it 99 times out of 100. Its that other time that is murder.

If you could stay totally side by side for the whole dive and assend at the same rate eye to eye then in theory the computers would be the same anyway. But in practice that isn't reality. If you go look at something or loose concentration on the other persons depth you just altered what your computer would have said. If you don't dive anywhere close to the NDL's you might be OK. But as you get closer to the NDL then those little differences could make a difference.

Besides if something happened and you got seperated you wouldn't have anyway to accurately time your assent.

Now I know why when I'd see pics of tech divers they have 2 computers on! OK, makes sense...tomorrow when we go diving, I'll gonna have TWO devices on!


Think about your poll. You ask about people not having all the safety gear they need for a dive. In that thread you seem to get upset that divers would consider diving when inadequately prepared. The concept of two divers on one computer is similar. It is dangerous. I have a great deal of experience diving in almost all conditions. It is possible for me to have the exact same profile as my buddy only if I concentrate on that to the exclusion of all other goals. That means I won't be taking pictures, I won't be sight seeing, I won't do anything except concentrate on my buddy's every move. I will never be more than a few inches away at any time. To me, a dive like that is a waste of time. I'll either get another computer or I'll use tables. That way, I'll enjoy my dive.
Honestly, until this thread, I never really thought that much about 1 divers 'profile' being THAT much differant than his buddies - and of course, we don't go into a dive plan planning on getting separated!
Scuba446 once bubbled...
... and of course, we don't go into a dive plan planning on getting separated!

... and most divers don't go into a dive plan planning on getting bent either...

But sh*t happens.

Take the precautions. Why take the chance?
If you are concerned about cost you can get a suunto Favor on the internet for about $170 not to much for extra safety.
I had looked at the Favor as a low cost entry level comp for next season...
I would say that I do a lot of diving with buddies that don't have a computer.

In case you're diving the same profile and together through the same series of dives, the data gathered by the computer will be a very good indication to the other (non computered) diver.

Nevertheless, I will join UP in saying that this will not eliminate all necessary safety steps, required before, during and after any dive.

If the dive is planned and executed correctly, having one coputer available in better than none.

Ari :)

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