Two on a computer

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N.E. Illinois
Ok; I've had my C-card since early '73 when we didn't have half the stuff we have today much less computers. My wife finally decided I shouldn't be having all the fun so she signed up for certification through SDI which stresses computer diving. My question is; if you are diving side by side with a buddy, go down together stay together etc. is it ok to use one computer on her wrist or should we each have one?
I don't think that two people using the same computer is a good idea.

First if you have one each you have some level of redundency. Also, the computer takes into account the rate of accent and all variations in depth during a dive. No matter how hard you try there is no way that you could both be at the same depth and accending at the same rate all the time.

I recommend that if you don't want to buy two then you should have one of you using the tables and as always use the most conservative system to dicate the end of the dive. (the tables)

Good luck.

We have on many occassions and as long as the computer was on the deepest diver it didn't seem to be a problem...

Last week my Stinger gauge forgot to go along on a dive and I had to use my internal timer and knowledge of the the depth in the area we were diving. Shane of course was diving the same profile and had his Stinger gauge along.

After the dive I found out my estimate of the duration of the dive was off... I figured 48 minutes and Shane's Stinger gauge said 46 minutes.... I am sure it was right... 46 minutes at 86 fsw max.
is a very bad idea, particularly if you ever push the limits on that computer.

If your buddy is just a few feet below you for a minute or two you could end up with them having a deco obligation that you do not have.

You come up, the computer says you're ok, and your buddy gets bent. Not good.

Yeah, I know, its theoretical. But IMHO its simply not safe.

If your buddy does not have a computer, they should run the profiles on the tables, and dive those. The dive is over when the first of you runs out of NDL time, your pre-set time (if you're conserving NDL for repetitive diving) or gas, whichever comes first.

Or buy her a computer.

I do dives on my computer with some frequency that bend my SSI tables. If I was to share that computer with someone else, they might get nailed. Or they might not. In any event, I wouldn't want to be the buddy that got his buddy bent....
Hey Pug,

I don't sell no stinkin computers. Don't those things rot the brain?

Seriously, I look at it as the same as having your own depth guage and timer. I think each diver should have there own of some sort, whether it be a computer or some other method.

But hey that is just me.

"Don't those thinks rot the brain?"

Hmm, its things and not thinks.....
Your right

Me thinks it should be things not thinks. Thanks for the heads up.

ckharlan66 once bubbled...
Seriously, I look at it as the same as having your own depth guage and timer. I think each diver should have there own of some sort, whether it be a computer or some other method.
Just telling you what we have done in the past when someone forgot their stuff...

But you are absolutely right.... each diver should have a depth gauge and timing device with back up timing device.

I'm just jerking your chains...
Hey I did it last weekend. Forgot my Mossy. But I really don't recommend it.

I was jerking right back Pug. I love to mess with you.

At the risk of sounding ignorant - if 2 folks stay together side by side, how much OFF can you really be? 2 mins? 5 ft?

I know 5ft deeper and 5 mins longer CAN put someone into a deco mode, but, is it REALLY that unsafe? Heck, my friends sho are new don't have comps or bottom timers. They have relied on my bottom timer when we go.

Bad move, huh?

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