Two HOURS??????

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For those who have not actually taken a class like this here in the PNW...

1) the actual dives are short, 20-40 minutes
2) debriefs occur on the surface
3) dive again after 20 minutes of talking or so
4) the dives are shallow by and large - only 25 ft on day 1
5) dives are also short duration but deeper on day 2
6) on actual trimix there aren't many bounce dives like this

Yes the instructor is local.

I still say, put your foot down. Almost all the GUE instructors are male and they have different issues. If you're freezing and crossing your legs UW you aren't going to get anything out of the class. Having a leaky diaper is also BS.

Tell him,
"I'm signing up. I'm also getting out when I have to pee or after about 75 minutes when my attention will be on my frozen digits not on the dives. If that's not ok, tell me now so I can reschedule with another instructor or for another warmer time of year."
Good advice rjack.

I use a weezle extreme myself, and at the risk of sounding hyperbolic, it has kept me quite comfortable on dives slightly longer than an hour in 40 degree temps, and on the one occasion that I had a leaky suit in 30-something degree water, I felt more damp than cold in it.
Uh uh ... "Twiggy" is before the undergarments and drysuit ... then she becomes someone else ... :D

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Been having a tough week, thanks Bob, I needed the laugh.
Omigod, I was so busy freaking out about the cold that I hadn't even THOUGHT about the diaper issue.

I think an e-mail to Steve is in order. This is gender discrimination.

Doc, thanks for the FedEx offer, but I daren't put much more weight up on my back. I just balance out with twenty on the weight belt :(

I may borrow my friend's Weezle and see if it makes a big difference. THAT I can buy before the class (local dealer).

Personally, I think the in-water debriefs are a form of GUE hazing. . .
I agree with Doc about the weezle and Argon...
Works for me just fine...
Well, the argon is a given, because this is a Triox class.

I'll just do the best I can, and annoy Steve when I need to get out of the water, I guess.
Haivng owned the weezle extreme plus with booties I can say that they do not work as well as the thinsulate. I also found that they were terrible when flooded. That was why I sold them after diving with 300g or 400g thinsulate (depending upon the temp) for a couple of years. The weezles were great on the surface.
I dont know if I would want to go switching equipment and undergarments right before the class. You run the risk of then spending time learning to dive the equipment instead your full attention being on the class.

During fundies, our instructor limited dive times to roughly 45 minutes with an optional 10 minute extension. After the surface debriefs and surface swim out we were probably at 1:30 total wet time. 'Course he also had his wife with him so some consideration was given to the fairer sex. (and I was damn gratefull for it as well. We were all fweakin' cold after the end of the dive.
Five of us just returned from the Hood, and our last dive was 2 hours (49 degrees). No one got cold (except the instructor, who started with wet undies from the day before), and we all had one less layer than we dive here in Spokane (36f). If you start warm, layer and use argon, you should be fine. The hard part is reaching the valves looking like the Stay-Puff Marshmallow-man. :D

Yes, and be able to pee. It's amazing how much that helps.

Also, come make a few dives wth us first in our waters, and the Sound will feel darned right tropical. :D
how is reaching the valves like with a weezle extreme + ?

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