TSDT Formal Organization Discussion

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N. of Dallas, TX
This is a spin off thread from "Full Boat Charter for Flower Gardens" for when the discussion turned toward the topic of formalizing the TSDT organization.

To recap with what started the conversation:

TwoBitTxn stated:
Consider this...

There is a way we can start getting ALL our trips at wholesale cost. No more dive shops, no more lining someone elses pockets.

We book the trip directly, we get the trip at wholesale prices, we take responsibility.

It can be done.

Then awap added:
My impression is the LDS is not making a lot of money on these trips so the savings potential is fairly small. I'm guessing 10 to 20% including the 3 DM slots that wrestle the whips. Let's make sure it will be worth the work trying to organize this loose TSDT into a formal TSDC (club). Then again, if enough folks are interested, I would welcome seeing a dive club that is not organized around an LDS.

To which TwoBitTxn responded:
Awap hit it on the head.

We would have to become official. I said it in another thread. If we were official and had our own insurance we could deal direct with the operators instead of dealing with the dive shops.

The key point is having our own insurance.

Becomming official, I'm sure, probably is not an easy prospect. Paper work, bank accounts, etc...

Lots to do... there are some definite advantages and disadvantages. I'm sure there are plenty of people who like things just the way they are.

And then my two centavos:
Speaking as one of the original 7 founding members (and someone who is pleased as punch to see this "Team" grow to the size that it is), I've always like the way we've conducted things to date. The few times we had to deal with money (Pumkin Dive at Travis, original shirt sales, last year's FG trip) it worked out that folks volunteered to be the 'treasurer' for that event and everything got handled pretty well.

My next thought/opinion is probably better for a spin-off thread. I'm not so certain organizing to an official (aka insured, bank acounts, officers, etc) would be neither a good thing nor easy to do. The few clubs in the local area I've been exposed to have had some really harsh group politics happen and other things that turned me off of them. And it was always hard for new divers to break into the existing cliques. One thing I've always enjoyed about the TSDT is that we have no politics and everyone always welcomes each other heartilly.

"Easy to do" has to do with just how spread out we are. Organization means by-laws, officers, Non-profit Fed and State paperwork, and much more. For a time I was involved with LadyDiver and KingNeptune's attempts in putting together Neptune Divers International and each time we chatted about it, the challenges kept being added to. It's all doable, but a huge animal to tame.

As TwoBit said, having our own insurance coverage would allow us to book trips direct with the dive operators. But this insurance is not cheep (if you think coverage for Divemaster and Instructor is expensive, ask your LDS how much they have to pay just to safely open their door and turn on the lights). We'd have to honestly ask the question of ourselves, are we going to actively schedule, book, sell, and execute enough dives to make the expense of obtaining/maintaining coverage feasible?

These are just a few of the worms that I see that are going to crawl out when we decide to kick over the "official" can. I will support formal organization if that is what the group wants to do, but I will also advocate that we make sure that we "do it right" (There's that phrase again) the first time.

What do the rest of you think about this? The floor is open, let's hear from ya!
Mainly because the TSDT as we know it would cease to exist. Anytime you start with elected officers, money, rules and regulations, and the power that goes along with it, you have power control and politics to deal with. Which is two things most people complain about with dive clubs. I no longer belong to dive clubs for those very reasons. I'd hate to see that happen to us.

Like Mike said, the fact that we are spread so far apart would make it a logistical nightmare to try and formally organize all of us.

Unless there are plans to make money with the ability to get wholesale prices on trips, I don't think the red tape, expense of the insurance, hassle of the formation, etc. is worth it. Then we're right back to power, politics, and rules.

If the majority wish to take the TDST in this direction, I'll wish you the best of luck with it.
I for one vote against it. Due to the fact everyone is spread out all over the place, it would be a logistical nightmare. To me the only purpose would be to organize group blue water trips. some issues to be considered would be

1. Dues-how much which leads to budgets,bank accounts,tax returns, incorporating,etc. as the treasurer of the houston high school basketball officiating organization i am well familiar with these issues.

2. Officers-who and how elected.

These would be major hassles. The organizaion would need to be
incorporated as a non-profit.

Like Dee I dont think this is way to go. If TSDT members want to go on trips together there are lots of other ways. At my former employer we asked about organizing a dive club(numerous divers spread out over various offices). Vetoed by management-liability issues. so houston employees joined Houston Underwater Club. We have had as many as 6-7 employees or former employees go on trips together on the club trips. seems to be the way to go. A lot of people are not fans of shop or club trips but they do provide an organizational base to set up trips.

I for one say no.
Doesn't seem like it would be worth the trouble to formalize just to save a few dollars on one or two trips a year that only a few of the members make.

It's a heart-felt idea, but as Dee said it would destroy what we have now. Ibid the above about politics and cliques. When you get the "power" thing of organization....
I suggest leaving things as they are. Having some unstructured play in our lives is OK.

I don't see how it would be worth the trouble. then if you charge membership fees a lot of people may not want to join .I say leave it the way it is.
Chris Joens
I know it's taking a while to get in the works but don't forget that KN and LD have plans along these very lines for the whole NDI (Neptune Diviers International) organization. Although the plans are for it to be world wide, there may still be a place for more specific organization within the local chapters. But the basis for discounts on travel, t-shirts and goodies, etc. will already be there. We won't need formal organization just to get deals on diving and travel.

Now that KN and LD have gotten the move behind them, as soon as things get settled I'm sure they be working to finalize the red tape and paperwork involved in making this all happen. So let's be patient and not rush into anything that may not be necessary.
For all of the aforementioned reasons, I also have to say no thanks.
While being a formal, structured organization would have its merits, it would also change the character of this group. I for one really like the fact that we aren't structured and are a loosely knitted bunch of good people who share common interests and get together now and then. Lets not mess with a good thing..:approve:

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