TSA, the Fun Never Ends..

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I empathize, I really do. I've had some WONDERFUL (heavy sarcasm) experiences with TSA (and yes, Howarde, I was prepared, did check the website, etc.). My current strategy is to be very nice to them, and yet, come home from vacations with my smelliest drysuit undergarment packed right on top of the carryon. You should see the look on their faces when they go to rifle through my things :).
oh, that is brutal.

My dad is worse than me. He was arrested in Miami (detained?) because he would not pay the re-entry tax coming back from the Bahamas. He yells "I am NOT paying a tax to get into my own GD country!" Then goes off about refugees in boats from Cuba,....how embarassing.

When he tells them he is former FBI, I tell him "shut up, daddy. A used to be is as good as a never-was"

Then there was the time he insisted on lighting a cigarette inside the San Diego airport.....geez. I will never travel with him again.
And - as I've said - It was no better before. Passing through security checkpoints is a stressful situation for many. The TSA is by no means an infallable agency (believe me I have little faith in many agencies) - All along - I've said, that they're doing what they can. There are more than 500 commercial airports in the U.S. making it the largest airport system in the world. I am equally sure that there are similar horror stories about EVERY security checkpoint at EVERY airport in the world. That's all.
And - as I've said - It was no better before. Passing through security checkpoints is a stressful situation for many. The TSA is by no means an infallable agency (believe me I have little faith in many agencies) - All along - I've said, that they're doing what they can. There are more than 500 commercial airports in the U.S. making it the largest airport system in the world. I am equally sure that there are similar horror stories about EVERY security checkpoint at EVERY airport in the world. That's all.
I'm not disputing anything you say, except that based on my personal experience, many (not all, but many) of the TSA agents I have encountered are not "doing what they can" to help legitimate air passengers. I have encountered a number of TSA agents who are rude, unhelpful and refuse to treat me with the dignity due any human being. This is particularly repugnant when forced to submit to a hand search by male TSA employees (there weren't any females on duty) to verify the existance of the underwire in my bra. THAT crosses a number of lines- and no amount of complaining got me so much as an apology. That seems to me simply to be an abuse of power.
Howarde, okay. Where are you flying to, anyway? Sounds very civilized.

gosh, are you moonlighting in the TSA?

Something to share maybe, Howarde?... You do see that you are in the minority here? :)

No...I think that it is great they have jobs and we have something to complain about.

They seem fine, now that I reminded myself about my daddy. Can you imagine getting interogated by that old crusty chain smoking baffoon? Threatening you with J Edgar's wrath? The TSA should not make me flinch.

gosh, are you moonlighting in the TSA?

Something to share maybe, Howarde?

No...I think that it is great they have jobs and we have something to complain about.

They seem fine, now that I reminded myself about my daddy. Can you imagine getting interogated by that old crusty bafoon?

I just feel bad for some of them, and you can see it on their faces. I travel so much from the same airports, that I even know a few of them now by name. They're just people like you and me. Doing their daily grind. That's all.

I've had my fair share of annoyances as well while waiting for security. But some of the people in line just disgust me with their ridiculous comments and gripes.

I own a few retail stores, and deal with the angry customers when things happen. It sucks. That's all I can say about that.

Tomorrow I fly back to Fort Lauderdale from Denver. - We do this trip every 2-3 weeks... back and forth...
OOh- i had almost forgotten about this.

I saw on another board recently where a TSA agent managed to BREAK a passengers rebreather plenum while it was being xrayed. That ruined the poor woman's vacation, as the unit was rendered unusable. At roughly $8000 for the unit, wonder if they offered to replace it (it was brand spanking new).....

Had that been me, I would likely have been under the jail, not just "detained" as I would have unloaded on everyone within earshot. They are welcome to search me and my belongings (though I don't like it) but I'll be !@#$%^ if they can legally start BREAKING my possesions.
I own a few retail stores, and deal with the angry customers when things happen. It sucks. That's all I can say about that.

Well, you bring up a very interesting point.

My GF's that are flight attendants? they are very cool women except for one thing. THEY CANNOT STAND PASSENGERS. I mean...they really cannot stand to see their faces. One friend I know was going on and on about somebody that had a kleenex wadded up on the seat, and how she has to touch things like that.

Dealing with the public is like an aversion therapy, evidently. I have not done it (well, the ER...but they listen when in pain and afraid, I notice, for the most part)

If I ever tried to return something to your store, Howarde, you might snap my neck. They understand me at Costco..

Chickdiver, you have potential in an airport.
oh, that is brutal.

My dad is worse than me. He was arrested in Miami (detained?) because he would not pay the re-entry tax coming back from the Bahamas. He yells "I am NOT paying a tax to get into my own GD country!" Then goes off about refugees in boats from Cuba,....how embarassing.

When he tells them he is former FBI, I tell him "shut up, daddy. A used to be is as good as a never-was"

Then there was the time he insisted on lighting a cigarette inside the San Diego airport.....geez. I will never travel with him again.
I want to travel with your dad – it sounds like fun to me.
yea. You would get your jollies.

has to challenge the constitutionality of every moment.

has a cellar with stashes of gold and freeze-dried fruit trees....sofas that are massive secret gun safes. Just in case the Soviets arrive.

The FBI made him nuts maybe? Just don't hint about Hoover's cross dressing or

he turns maroon. I try and be respectful.

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