TSA, the Fun Never Ends..

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With all due respect, what KSM or other captured terrorists have told us during interrogations is not a matter of public record.

nobody has ever leaked anything out of the CIA either.
nobody has ever leaked anything out of the CIA either.

Show what was leaked.
Accidental short circuit. You're starting to reach into the completely unbelievable.

That's an assumption. Frayed wire or cut wire? Of course, we all know that deliberate acts of sabotage could never occur. Who would want to do such a thing? You're starting to reach into the land of the completely naive and gullible.
Made a quick trip to Miami to see the Dolphins-Jets game. I brought two salamis for my son-in-law. They showed up on the O'Hare x-ray machine as cylinders and my bags were hand searched. The box containing my dive computer and compass was untouched.

However at Ft. Lauderdale at 5 AM this morning everything was searched. This time the dive gear was suspicious. The TSA person even opened the bag containing my tefillin.

Never a dull moment!
Garyfotodiver, if the TSA inspector had opened one of the tefillah and found what appeared to be code written in a Semitic language, you might be on your way to Guantanamo.
Garyfotodiver, if the TSA inspector had opened one of the tefillah and found what appeared to be code written in a Semitic language, you might be on your way to Guantanamo.

No, I would be in jail before someone other than a qualified sofer cut the sinews. Besides, you are postulating that the TSA inspector knows what a Semitic language is.

Actually, it happened to a friend of mine. He was asked to open the batim but, of course, refused. Fortunately, a Chicago city cop intervened before anything happened.
That's an assumption. Frayed wire or cut wire? Of course, we all know that deliberate acts of sabotage could never occur. Who would want to do such a thing? You're starting to reach into the land of the completely naive and gullible.
By the time the AD compliance was completed on the entire 747 fleet almost half the planes had wire damage in the spar vicinity either in the center tank or just in front of it. One of the FAA examiners I spoke with noted that the planes that almost always used the center tank (long haul flights) and those that very rarely used them had few problems but the planes like the one flying Flight 800 that alternated between loaded and unloaded tanks almost all had damaged wiring. It was so bad in many planes that they had to pressurize the center tank with N2 just to ferry them to a repair facility. I seriously doubt that a saboteur could have gotten to that many planes just hoping one of them blew up.
By the time the AD compliance was completed on the entire 747 fleet almost half the planes had wire damage in the spar vicinity either in the center tank or just in front of it. One of the FAA examiners I spoke with noted that the planes that almost always used the center tank (long haul flights) and those that very rarely used them had few problems but the planes like the one flying Flight 800 that alternated between loaded and unloaded tanks almost all had damaged wiring. It was so bad in many planes that they had to pressurize the center tank with N2 just to ferry them to a repair facility. I seriously doubt that a saboteur could have gotten to that many planes just hoping one of them blew up.

What are you saying? How unpatriotic of you! Suggesting that an American company may have produced a product that suffered from age and wear that wasn't expected? No, not in this country! Anything that fails, blows up or leads to death of an innocent must be assumed to be terrorism until you can prove otherwise. This is a new world now, the same rules don't apply.

Talk about erosion of the Constitution, and everyone freaks out at the suggestion of gun control. Hey, keep your guns...but give up all other liberties.
The word Troll comes to mind when reading the above post.
People in the know have been warning about liquids/ biananry explosives for many years yet TSA failed to listen. Finaly they did. Its not just two liquids that can be mixed either. Helix looks for all the world like pink mouthwash and a grey powdered drink mix. Very easy slide past TSA. I can come up with a hundred ways more. TSA is FINALY hiring EOD techs to look for bombs in screenings. Im sure that will get screwed up too but it is an improvment.
Some security be it at airline terminals or oil refineries or on HAZMAT trucks is a good thing. It wont stop all possabilities but it makes it that much more difficult. The people that are whining about there "loss of liberties"are the same ons that blame the US for getting attacked. No matter what happens, they will complain and find the negitive in anything they dont like.

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