Hi all,
I just wanted to comment on how the day went.
As Guy mentioned earlier, the event was divided into two sessions and I attended the the 2pm class with Neil and Brian.
As I arrived at Wallin's I noticed a lot of divers in the pool and just an overall level of excitement in their voices.
As I got closer to the pool, I quickly was greeted with a warm smile from Beto Nava. He let me know where to stow my stuff and that we would get started in the class room for prep work.
After signing the consent forms, Beto gave us an informal discussion on the events to take place in the pool and a little history on GUE philosophy. He brought in two sets of gear into the classroom and worked through them in detail explaining the differences and similarities of each; doubles and singles.
He took questions and concerns and was really great about answering them thoroughly. After no further questions, it was off to the pool, but not before he assigned us to different instructors.
I got paired off with Robert Lee and this was my impression of him:
He's extremely knowledgeable and a very nice person, I didn't feel intimidated by the group nor were they pushy in any way.
They allowed us to gear up, followed by clean cut examples how to get the gear on. I wanted to dive double steel 100 hp tanks since that's what I ordered.
Rob gave me a very good pre-dive check and made sure all my gear was secured and guided me into the pool.
My first impressions are that the tanks are not as heavy as I assumed, maybe it was the excitement and adrenaline.
Getting into the water was easy and very comfortable, those tanks are stable and, I couldn't believe how easy it is to stay motionless when you find your trim. It's when I break trim, and I did many times, those steel tanks will shift your body around. :shocked2:
I learned what it is to be top/head heavy and the difference in aluminum vs steel plates. Rob never left my side and examined my trim/buoyancy for subtle changes that he could see and correct. He is amazing under the water with his back/kick and trim/buoyancy but hey, these guys are the GUE group,

I got to play around in those tanks a good amount of time, Rob led me to the surface several times to debrief and try again and just have fun.
I really like moving in them forward, I feel like a battle ram.
Overall, the group was just a really nice/friendly set of divers; Susan, Rob, Beto and I even got to meet Cold Water Kitty, Allison; her underwater blogs are great to read and I let her know that.
Their trim/buoyancy is to admire, several times I had to make sure I was diving with divers, and not seals, they move so easy and hover so flawless.
Rob, thanks again for your patience and your knowledge, I can't wait to get my doubles next week and set up my gear and get a couple more pool dives, before I head out to Break water for my first trials.