:shocked2: Oh my gosh! That's terrible!!!! Wow. I'm glad you made it through that.
Glad you came through that one OK. That is what I was thinking when I made an earlier post. I came close to what I thought was my end, surfing one time. That time under water, unable to surface, couldn't hold my breath any longer, chest pounding, the terror you spoke of, no thanks. I'd rather take my Harley, full speed over a 1000' cliff.
I did some pretty stupid stuff as a kid. Really quite amazed I lived my childhood. By the way, the person who saved me, my cousin, had 'his' room at the hospital whenever he was admitted... he was there more often than I was.

Oh and catching an arrow in flight is a LOT harder than you think. Even if you get your hands on it, it just keeps going and cuts you.