Walter... you win the 16-inch pizza! Since you did the math and logic correctly...
However! I just wanna say that if we drove up the mountain to 18,000 feet, we'd all pass out and die while assembling our dive gear... since the ppO2 at 18,000 feet is 0.10 ATA! So my advice is use the EAN50 to breathe on the surface and leave the mountain diving until you have been at altitude for at least 3 months!
I'll drop you a line next time I'm in Florida dude!
However! I just wanna say that if we drove up the mountain to 18,000 feet, we'd all pass out and die while assembling our dive gear... since the ppO2 at 18,000 feet is 0.10 ATA! So my advice is use the EAN50 to breathe on the surface and leave the mountain diving until you have been at altitude for at least 3 months!
I'll drop you a line next time I'm in Florida dude!