David Carron
I am trying to derive a and b coefficients for ZH-L16 using the Nitrogen M values in "Understanding M-values" by Erik Baker. I can find already computed coefficients published here and in An Explanation of Buehlmann's ZH-L16 Algorithm by Paul Chapman, so I am able to check my work.
I will take tissue compartment 2 for my examples (just to avoid the potential compartment 1/1b confusion and because M_0 is the same for ZH-L16A, B, and C).
Although Buhlmann originally derived the a and b constants from the tissue half-times, as an implementer you need to view these as parameters and not something to derive yourself.
In general, you're going to find it a lot easier to work with Buhlmann's formulation, as modified by Baker, rather than messing around with (fairly ambiguous) conversions to the earlier "M" formulation
pigtol(pamb)i = pamb × (gf / bi - gf + 1) + gf × ai
Where pamb is absolute pressure, ai and bi the constants for tissue i and pigtol(pamb)i the maximum tolerated inert gas loading for tissue i at pamb