..wonder how beautiful the Subic area is....any beaches nearby?....visited Angelas once, never go back there...not nice to look at by day...
There's another thread just been started that links to this; but here's a photo blog from one of my recent customers. Photos were taken about 3 weeks ago. Should give an indication of typical 'monsoon season' diving in Subic...
Wreck Diving in Subic Bay « Scott-Photos.com
I went back there again last week and the conditions were a little worse that described in the blog. There had been (very) heavy rain, which had washed silt and (jungle) debris into the bay from the surrounding mountains.
Viz on the New York
was disappointing - less than 5m, but Barges and El Capitan both still had over 15m viz. Not bad considering the weather...
Visit any location in the wake of heavy and persistent rains and you'll expect a deterioration in viz. Subic, being a very sheltered bay, takes a little longer to clear the viz because the currents are quite weak and don't clear out the water as quickly as off-shore locations.
The worst of the viz is always contained in the sites nearest the Olongapo river (i.e. USS New York, Oryuko Maru, Lighthouse etc). As you get nearer the bay entrance, passing currents keep the water
much clearer. Also, because the bad viz originates from river water entering the bay, the bad viz tends to get trapped at the very surface - because the fresh water lies on top of the salt water. Near the river mouth, there is quite often a layer of cold, murky (fresh) water in the first 2-5m... and below that there is much clearer, warmer sea water. The halocline separating those layers of fresh and salt water can be quite a marvel to see.
That said, one of the great benefits of wreck diving is that gin clear viz isn't critical for enjoying a magnificent dive. Our customers get really excited about dives on these wrecks, in conditions that would otherwise be considered miserable if you were trying to appreciate a reef.