Ken Kurtis
From what I can relate to as a diver with less the 20 dives is that, there is a lot of multi-tasking with unfamiliar equipment, in an unnatural environment (for humans) in a position (horizontal) that human beings don't spend much time in. 1.Looking at gauges with lots of changing numbers, 2. Buoyancy control (inflate deflate), 3.Location/Navigation, 4. Buddy location, 5. The reason we are there looking at the sea life. For some (me included) it's a lot to take in and keep track of. I'm sure with time all of this becomes 2nd nature.
Excellent observation and comment. The other thing to take into account would be to look at all the OOAs and break them down by experience level. (Disclaimer: It's usually info we don't always get.) But that would give us some idea as to whether this is happening across the board, to newer divers, experienced divers who get more complacent, solo divers, etc.
- Ken