Check out your typical carry-on limits. If it's the typical US limits of about 30-40lbs get the Dive Caddy. I have used it on four seperate flights for US Airways international/national....not a single problem not even a sideways glance. Put your key gear in there (it will hold most if not all of your gear, depending on what you include...probably not a dry suit, or five canister lights). Now your stuff is safe with you.
My dive caddy holds my v16 fins, Probe XL (large), 5mm akona, reg/octopus/pressure gauge/wireless transmitter, drybox full of batteries, gloves/hood/booties, snorkel, rash gaurd and mask (with box). Anything extra: my large peanut butter jar holding my save-a-dive-kit, knife, extra lights, groin cup (wetsuits are too uncomfy in that region), other misc gear goes into the suitcase...usually the stuff that won't sink a dive trip if my luggage is lost/stolen.
EDIT: DiveCaddy may be expensive, but it saves you money fast. My fiancee' had to check in two bags (suit case and dive bag...cost $65)....I had to check in one suit case...cost $30....make that a two way flight and on the first try I saved $70....it doesn't take that many trips to recoup your money....and the custer service at dive caddy is AMAZING.
My dive caddy holds my v16 fins, Probe XL (large), 5mm akona, reg/octopus/pressure gauge/wireless transmitter, drybox full of batteries, gloves/hood/booties, snorkel, rash gaurd and mask (with box). Anything extra: my large peanut butter jar holding my save-a-dive-kit, knife, extra lights, groin cup (wetsuits are too uncomfy in that region), other misc gear goes into the suitcase...usually the stuff that won't sink a dive trip if my luggage is lost/stolen.
EDIT: DiveCaddy may be expensive, but it saves you money fast. My fiancee' had to check in two bags (suit case and dive bag...cost $65)....I had to check in one suit case...cost $30....make that a two way flight and on the first try I saved $70....it doesn't take that many trips to recoup your money....and the custer service at dive caddy is AMAZING.