Training the girl

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Aquatic Eagle

Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Hurst, TX
# of dives
500 - 999
Hey everyone. Sorry it's been a while since I last posted. Things are good on the cruise ship. I'll be coming home at the end of March and would love to certify my girlfriend during Spring break. Being in Greenville, which of these would be better? Should I do the open water stuff in Jocassee or drive down to Charleston to do it. Any suggestions on other locations nearby would be great too if you have them. I can't wait to get home this time. I'll be home for about 5 months. I recently got a position at a local Boy Scout camp as Aquatics Director for the summer so I'm very anxious to get there. Hope everyone at home is doing great and the diving is great. I hope to hear from you soon!
Hey everyone. Sorry it's been a while since I last posted. Things are good on the cruise ship. I'll be coming home at the end of March and would love to certify my girlfriend during Spring break. Being in Greenville, which of these would be better? Should I do the open water stuff in Jocassee or drive down to Charleston to do it. Any suggestions on other locations nearby would be great too if you have them. I can't wait to get home this time. I'll be home for about 5 months. I recently got a position at a local Boy Scout camp as Aquatics Director for the summer so I'm very anxious to get there. Hope everyone at home is doing great and the diving is great. I hope to hear from you soon!

Open water dives for Female just starting need to be warm clear water- 75 degree or higher-They get cold easy & don't like Mask skills-
Good luck- Clif
skierch, I don't like to hear what you said, not only females but males too. Anyway, warmer water will be great for first timer. I had my first open water dives in a chilly lake called Dutch Spring around spring. I thought I couldn't stand it but I made it through and got my certification that weekend. Can't tell you which location will be good for your girlfriend. Good luck!
It sounds to me like these are things you need to discuss with your girlfriend and not asking other guys about what a woman wants. One thing you might want to consider is diving in a quarry. The temps there are not that bad, but below the thermocline may be chilly. However, being in the south, the waters will begin to warm around the spring break timeframe. Quarries can provide warmer water with a decent amount of visibility (20-40 feet) depending on the weather conditions. Usually the quarry will have platforms in the 20-25 foot depth range for open water assessments.

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