The only time I've ever been stopped was on the cuota on the way to Chichen Itza in the middle of nowhere as night was falling. The officer wanted to tell me that a luggage strap was caught in the trunk lid and was flapping around and looked as if it might break. We offered him a Coke from the cooler because it was broiling out, he asked if we had water and accepted a bottle of super-cheap Costco bottled water (probably worth a dime or so), then wished us a safe journey and went back to his cruiser. At the time, I wouldn't have been able to tell if he was state or local nor did I even wonder until later.
The first time we ever drove on the island, my wife nearly ran down a uniformed cop on a marked bike in our rented vocho. He yelled at her a bit ("a reasonable amount", according to her) then reviewed the downtown pattern of one-way streets and which direction didn't have stop signs. He then told her to drive more carefully and zoomed off. He never hinted at mordida, and I'd actually pulled out my wallet expecting to pay some.
My son somehow failed to realize that the old east side road was all bike path and got stopped driving along it. The cop took his license, told him the procedure for paying his fine at the Palacio Municipal and getting his license back, told him to stay off the bike road, and left.
When I was getting my Cozumel driving licenses, we finished all the tests but they were out of blank forms so nobody could actually get licenses. After we showed up for a couple of days and stood in line until they opened only to learn they still didn't have any blanks, one morning a cop showed up at our gate. He had stopped to tell us they had blanks and to suggest we go right away before they ran out again. He was too busy to accept a fresh cappuccino before leaving.
Maybe we've had bizarrely unusual experiences with Mexican police, but I've never encountered a cop with his hand out or one that wasn't either just doing his job or going out of his way to be helpful. Maybe it's that I usually follow rules and get along with cops well.
(Your mileage may vary. Offer void where prohibited by law.)