certainly not earth shattering to have less bubbling with a more conservative approach. I guess what was interesting and educational for me, was the amount of bubbling I had using what is a standard, from the factory gradient. I'm no triathlete, but i eat right, do three hours of cardio per week, and generally try to be healthy, don't smoke, don't drink, etc. I was surprised at the amount of bubbling I had. I expected to be much cleaner than I was at the start of the study. The truth is, I never had any symptoms at 30/85 and the change in gradient factors has added time to my hang. Was no big deal in the cayman's with 83 degree water. However...I was hating it coming up from a 220 foot dive sunday when the water was an unexpected 50 at the bottom. Staying warm thru that extra deco was a challenge and made me wish i was back on the old GF and getting out of the water. (hijack over)
There are a few threads in this section that provoke conversation. For the most part, I think we all have our own circle of peers that we turn to, rather than the boards. And to be honest, even in this section I fear responses will be harsh and keep to myself mostly.