To pee or not to pee; the survey

Do you pee on your wetsuit?

  • Yes, I do pee in my wetsuit

    Votes: 548 72.3%
  • No, I dont pee in my wetsuit

    Votes: 190 25.1%
  • No comment

    Votes: 20 2.6%

  • Total voters

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i've never peed before in my's eurgh...but if you have to go while down have to go =)
This is a bit like letting a bird fly around inside of a flying aircraft. If you could somehow weigh the aircraft inflight, it would weigh the same whether the bird were perched or flying. Basically you are putting water in a big bag of water and saying the big bag of water changes bouyancy just because you let the water out of the bag of water. Zero sum. (But you will be better hydrated which is a good thing, and slightly warmer in the lower areas of your bagness. Also a good thing.) :banana:

So what you are saying is that it is about the same thing when considering whether to run or walk in the rain, say to get to your car?

It always seemed to me that if I ran, it just put me into the path of the same number of drops, just at a quicker rate, assuming equal distribution, therefore just as wet at the destination.

I haven't peed in my own wetsuit yet. There were two occassions where it was close, but I managed to make it up the boat, shucked the gears and hit the head.

In rental wetsuits? Oh yeah, baby!!!
I peed for the first time in a wetsuit last week and all week. God it was bliss.

Hitherto I had never done this but that was because I really struggled with it. However, jammed into a crevice in Cocos Island waiting for or watching the big action show up I was able to fully relax enough to pee. And it was a warm and pleasant heaven. All the more pleasant as it was an ill-fitting rental semi dry that I grappled with for about 30 minutes to get in to (that was with soapy water and a plastic bags to ease entry) so I felt some come back on my part was appropriate.

It does, however, stink!!!
Oh and one other thing - I believe in being super hydrated for a dive. So pissing in a suit comes a big second to avoiding DCS...
I would imagine that a fair fraction of the 25% who say they do not pee in their wetsuit are guilty of prevarication. Of those answering honestly, some may be limited in bottom time and some may simply be blessed with iron bladder. If I ever dived dry, a pee valve would be a neccessity.

Good diving, Craig
I peed for the first time in a wetsuit last week and all week. God it was bliss.

Hitherto I had never done this but that was because I really struggled with it. However, jammed into a crevice in Cocos Island waiting for or watching the big action show up I was able to fully relax enough to pee. And it was a warm and pleasant heaven. All the more pleasant as it was an ill-fitting rental semi dry that I grappled with for about 30 minutes to get in to (that was with soapy water and a plastic bags to ease entry) so I felt some come back on my part was appropriate.

It does, however, stink!!!


Glad you made it to Cocos :)

Glad you made it to Cocos :)

Me too - I'm such a drama queen, I was tip top (apart from being slightly fatter than normal) when I got there. I'm half way through writing the trip up so watch this space :)

Good to hear from you by the way :wink:

I know this sounds crazy, but I just can't do it in the water. :dork2: I have to be back on board - love dive boats with heads. I have no problem peeing off the back of the boat. Serious - I've ended dives because I've has to go so bad. :depressed:

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