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Well, if they haven't done anything for you, don't tip them. Kind of like the annoying tip jar at the coffee shop. Why should we tip for them ringing up the coffee?

Unfortunately, tipping if way out of hand in the US, but I can never imagine one of my patients tipping me for starting their IV or bringing them their pain medicine in a timely fashion. Sheesh.

Again this is a service industry..medical care is not ..although my friends wife is a big shot doctor at sloan K hospital here in NY and some patients send flowers as a thankyou at times..just being human and showing appreciation..do not compare being a dm or instr to professions that pay well ..if the true cost of learning to dive was passed to the consumer there would be very very few people getting into the activity..and that alone will increase the cost as volume is not there.. Good Instr's will have to be making minimum of 40-50 grand a year with health care benefits /401 k plan etc...the people who have these perks are the ones who are not usually tipped,they are not in a service industry..a good waitress can make more than an instructor down in Key West,alot of instructors there after their hours working the boat/shop/teaching do in fact also work as waiters /waitresses /bar tenders at night to make ends meet. Don't see DR's /lawyers/etc having to do that..
People made bad career choices, they got a job that pays a minimal salary. They decided to live in one of the most desirable areas in the country with outrageously high rents. Please subsidize their lifestyle in paradise.

I'd love to live in Key West, I can't afford it, most people can't.
You know VooDoo, I am pretty sure that Almity is talking about tipping with money, as I have seen posted on many, many occasions that she has done something nice for the dive shop, or the students, and is very kind, to everyone
.. she is not unhappy, sour and she does not put anyone down
People made bad career choices, they got a job that pays a minimal salary. They decided to live in one of the most desirable areas in the country with outrageously high rents. Please subsidize their lifestyle.

not all make poor career choices.Many CHANGE their career for something they get personal satisfaction from . I know of real estate people/dentists /wall streeters that get into diving as a job,one I know is even on a family trust fund,no need to work for that one and she sincerely appreciates the thankyous in the form of a tip she gets. ..They may already have enough $ to support themselves ok and what ever $ they make diving helps ..Even if they have mucho $ in the bank does not mean you cannot thank them for performing a service for you that makes your experience more enjoyable..People that do not tip,even for good service or at that extra care/service, are most likely the same people that forget to say thankyou to a stranger who may hold a door open for them.Someone who is totally self centered and may care for only themselves..I know I do not want them around..
Funny thing Almitywife, you had your flame proof suit on and wanted to know.

But don't Humilate them buy not tipping them, when again they tip you when they give you free air.

Let's be fair - the discussion is not, and should not be, whether you SHOULD tip in a place where it is not the custom. Not tipping someone in Australia is not humiliating.
RJP, I think you've hit the nail on the head. If you visit a country where tipping is not the custom, certainly refrain from tipping. Conversely, If you visit a country where tipping is the norm, shell out a few bucks. The real problem arises with the ethnocentric attitude of My culture/country is superior, so what I am accustomed to in my country is what I will do in other countries. This lousy attitude is not limited to just tipping, but in other areas as well. As much as I like seeing attractive young women in skimpy bikinis, in some countries this is considered not appropriate, yet visitors pay no attention. On a recent visit to Panama, I actually observed a tourist get angry with a shopkeeper that didn't speak English. Not to sound cliche, but there is a simple saying "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." Always remember you are just a visitor in a country, and it is THEIR country.
Funny thing Almitywife, you had your flame proof suit on and wanted to know.

For you to want us blokes go watch some game, Can only mean that everything I said is
VERY true.

I would not have posted ,But you Invited the posters to post about you and you not tipping.

To come back from a charter and make comment about the fill station employee, Ok so you say you don't cut them down. Let me reword it for you.

You are totally disresectfull towards your lds, and dive charter operation.

Thank you for clearing this up for we know now why you are so fascinated about not tipping.

IT still stands that if you get free air for bringing in buisness and sales, that is a form of a tip, but apparently you have a different word for that.

Like give it to me, It's obvious that you are the Queen of diving in australia and all the rest of the aussies are your peasants. And they shall not help me with my gear, For I am the Solo queen diver of australia.

Almitywife, If you don't want this kind of posting, don't say you have your flame proof suit on, Or jesture that you want a diver to argue over your opions.

My voodoo conclusion is you are extremly upset that all the help and time you put in to your lds and charter operation, That the only reward you get is free air fills, which is your tip of course.

Enjoy your way of diving, This is how you were brought up, nobody can knock you for that.
If you have to put your diving freinds on a lower catagory than you, so be it.

But don't Humilate them buy not tipping them, when again they tip you when they give you free air.

BYE-BYE now, Taking a local photographer to a sunken ferry, I don't expect any thing, But I guarantee he will try to be gratious in some way or another, Thats just the way the humane race is, Some are just not happy in life so there decisions are sour.

:rofl3: serioulsy voodoo, you do not know me and you have not a clue of my nature.... but thats cool. when you make it down to sydney i hope to show you what im really like. chances are i will pick you up from your hotel, take you for a couple of dives & a bbq, even supply the tanks and do my best that you have a great time because i hope my city will shine for visitors and for you to have a good time diving

no payment, no free meal -just the joy of knowing that i got to share part of my world and hope you enjoyed it

if you think this isnt me, ive done it many times in the past and i will be doing it quite a few times in feb for visting sb'ers. heck, im even taking most of a week off work to show some around

as far as wanting you guys to go watch some football, its because you guys are sooooo intent of getting people to agree to things your way that you dont realize that ive been yanking your chain for this thread becasue of the way you guys have been reacting

RJP, I think you've hit the nail on the head. If you visit a country where tipping is not the custom, certainly refrain from tipping. Conversely, If you visit a country where tipping is the norm, shell out a few bucks. The real problem arises with the ethnocentric attitude of My culture/country is superior, so what I am accustomed to in my country is what I will do in other countries. This lousy attitude is not limited to just tipping, but in other areas as well. As much as I like seeing attractive young women in skimpy bikinis, in some countries this is considered not appropriate, yet visitors pay no attention. On a recent visit to Panama, I actually observed a tourist get angry with a shopkeeper that didn't speak English. Not to sound cliche, but there is a simple saying "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." Always remember you are just a visitor in a country, and it is THEIR country.

Good points. I swing through Iraq from time to time and while killing a few hours there last month I thought I'd become a suicide bomber, you know, to increase our cultural bonding. (Just kidding. I had ulterior motives; I wanted a shot at the 72 virgins.)
RJP, I think you've hit the nail on the head. If you visit a country where tipping is not the custom, certainly refrain from tipping. Conversely, If you visit a country where tipping is the norm, shell out a few bucks. The real problem arises with the ethnocentric attitude of My culture/country is superior, so what I am accustomed to in my country is what I will do in other countries. This lousy attitude is not limited to just tipping, but in other areas as well. As much as I like seeing attractive young women in skimpy bikinis, in some countries this is considered not appropriate, yet visitors pay no attention. On a recent visit to Panama, I actually observed a tourist get angry with a shopkeeper that didn't speak English. Not to sound cliche, but there is a simple saying "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." Always remember you are just a visitor in a country, and it is THEIR country.

Good points, so if in a country in which tipping is not the Norm then not to tip?

As for Mexico, do we tip there because that is the Mexican way of doing things, or has the infiltration of tipping occurred because a contingency of visitors tip?
Does it matter one way or other why?
.. what is the custom at the place you are going? Mexico is a big country

.. maybe we should all find out what the customs are to the place we are going to visit .. It might be a good idea

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