Tiny red bumpes

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I am new to diving, and I cant find any thing simular in the forums on this, but 2 days after diving I noticed tiny red dots/bumps on my torso and back that looked like bug bites, they have now gotten worse. They itch alittle, and some burm where my cloths rub them. They are not on my fore arms or calves....yet. Nor my face. Has any one heard of this or experienced this? I just got a new wet suit thats marinawool lined, but I am also a Paramedic and allergic reactions happen while in contact not days after. Thanks in advance for your help if you can provide any.
Where did you dive? Search for "sea lice".
I went diving of the cost of Catalina, Ca. The water temp was about 70 degrees f at 33feet where we were. The bumps are not clumped together, and are speratic lice pimples, or areally mild case of Chikenpox. I had chikenpox when I was little so I doubt its that, and its not on my face neck, or arms. It almost looks like a bug bite. I dont itch all the time and they dont hurt all the time, just when they are rubbed by my waist band for a long period of time.
Sea lice, which are not lice but the larvae of a certain species of jellyfish, are a tropical phenomenon as far as I know. I did see somebody else post about a lot of jellyfish in Southern California though, so who knows? Perhaps we temperate people will have to start getting used to all sorts of tropical phenomena as our planet warms. Perhaps your new suit is more apt to allow in or trap stinging animals.
Can sea lice get through a 7mm wetsuite and hood? I barely felt water leak in my zipper for a split secon and the water was clear, no one else from that dive have this problem either.
Im gonna kiss it off to acme for now until someone else has any idea what it is...LOL Hopefully thats all it is.
Hi Apexmedic,

Given the coolish water and full wetsuit with hood, it likely wasn't "sea lice." Here's an article on it for reference:

Sea Bather's Eruption

It could be poral occlusions, acne-like red bumps (clogged pores) caused by a combination of oil and prespiration. Or acne mechanica, acne-like lesions that develop when skin is under pressure, is undergoing friction, is covered tightly or is exposed to heat.




This is educational only and does not constitute or imply a doctor-patient relationship. It is not medical advice to you or any other individual, and should not be construed as such.
Were you on a live-aboard, or did you sleep on a day-trip bunk? I suppose bed bugs would be an all over problem, but I wonder...?
We were on a boat dive, I didnt sleep on any bunks, sat on a couch but so my wife and I am the only one with bumps, which are almost gone now. I believe we figured it out to be acme, they started 2 days after the dive while i was soaking my feet due to fin foot. Then they got worse after a good 2 hour basketball game for PT at work.

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