What you're describing is consistent with mild barotrauma but without an ear exam it wouldn't be possible to say for sure. Re equalization, there's some good advice in the thread. If you use the Valsalva maneuver, be very gentle with it and don't force it at all. when descending, equalize before it feels like you have to. If you wait until you're feeling pressure, you're already placing your eardrums and middle ears under stress.It feels like it is in the middle ear. I think I have minor soreness in the outer ear, but I feel like the middle ear feels like is is full of fluid. It goes away completely after about 10 days or two weeks and starts feeling better after a day or two of no diving. I have not experenced any hearing loss, dizzyness or any other symptoms. I generally descend pretty quickly and clear my ears when I start feeling pressure. From the reading I have been doing and the feedback I have been getting it sounds like I need to slow down and clear more often, but I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions you can share.
Best regards,