Now, I could take serious offense at your posting Matt :shocked2: You've made it sound as though I told the OP that his training was at fault and that I do this often to feel superior! See how easy it is to make a wrong impression on the internet?
I didn't think you were the one who criticized the OP, I thought it was Jim. And I was replying to
your post, so I figured you'd understand I didn't mean you personally, but rather anyone who posts such a criticism.
But after I made the post, it occurred to me that you might take it the way you did (or the way you said you might have done). All I can say is that I didn't intend it that way at all.
If you're asking me to have more tolerance for people who offend but did not mean to offend-- Frankly, I don't think they are the problem. There is a trend toward criticism of the incompetence of newbies (or to the inadequacy of the training of newbies) here on SB. I've been making a big deal of it lately, and here it pops up again, plain as day, right in your eye. I don't think this trend is just unintended consequences. There's something behind it. It's only the least socially aware individual who would think a statement such as, "The fact that you ask this question shows that your training was woefully inadequate" is not offensive. Therefore, I can only infer that the majority of such comments are intended to offend.
And when I look for an explanation of such behavior, I naturally look for the pay-off for the offender. What is the pay-off? So this leads me to speculate that it might be that he or she gets something out of putting someone else down. When most human beings do this, it's because they feel in some way inadequate, so that they have to put someone else down to build themselves up. Thus they feel superior to the other person whose training was inadequate or who didn't pay attention in class.
We're all human beings, we share the same basic psychological and emotional structure. So when one human being intentionally hurts another human being's feelings, it hurts the person who is doing the hurting. He's hurting himself by hurting someone else. So the payoff has to be something even greater than the pain of hurting another person. It's not just something that happens by accident, not over and over again as I see it here on SB. Nobody would intentionally cause pain in so many newbies over and over again, and be able to say that it was just unintentional and not meant to offend.
One possibility is that it's just a sort of habit that the whole forum has gotten into. It's part of the culture. Someone asks a question that reveals inadequate training, and automatically seven people chime in with, "The fact that you ask this question shows that you got nothing out of your OW class." Maybe it's time to just pause, and say, "You know, I don't know why I keep doing that, but since it's bound to offend somebody from time to time, I think I'll stop doing it."
I wouldn't be putting so much time and energy into even discussing this issue if I didn't value so highly the interactions with SB members. I've participated in lots of forums on the Internet over the years. This forum is by far the most stimulating, and in fact it's one of the most positive as well. The vast majority of the time, the SB members are helpful and mutually supportive. I seem to have fallen into this role of Scuba Board Critic. But I'm really just another new scuba diver. One of the really wonderful things about scuba diving is that it only works if those who do it are mutually supportive. Our very lives, from one moment to the next, depend on the support of others. If the very essence of scuba diving is mutual support, then by golly let's be supportive.

:catherine: :gondolalove: :uwphotographer: