Suggestion Thread Revival Limits

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Barrie, ON: CAN
# of dives
0 - 24
Love Scubaboard but one thing that makes me boil is going into threads with new posts, reading all the way through them only to find out that the thread was started 4 years ago and someone revived it by essentially bumping it with summary advice for someone who no longer browses the forum. While I have no doubt the archive of posts that we have on this forum are invaluable, can we add an auto-lock system for inactive threads dated a year or longer? Adding to some threads is an important process which I understand but there's a good few I read through and can't help but think "why was this revived".
Can we make it so I don't get banned for calling someone an a$$hole? I did that last year and got banned...and it really hurt my feelings. I'm getting old and we older folks should be given special privledges.
I've been trying to find that thread. Can someone help me? I was going to print it and pin it on my refrigerator "Hall of Fame".

I would help you but if I did and you posted in it "reviving" it, I might get blamed so you are on your own Jack. Survival of the fattest....errr I mean fittest :D
Funny I don't know anything about this. I would think I would have heard about it.

I have to admit I don't see the humor in reviving ancient threads just for the Hell of it by adding worthless posts to the end of them, but that's just me.

We can never rehash things to many times.

Sent from my pasture using Tabableet 2
Good news for the looks like (potentially) one or more staffers have decided to take things into their own hands are are now preventing thread revivals. SB is all about granting the wishes of the few :thumb:

Seems like yet another case of a single moderator having it in for a single person so they have to find something not in the rule book to nail him on. It tells you a lot about his psyche.

Funny I don't know anything about this. I would think I would have heard about it.

I have to admit I don't see the humor in reviving ancient threads just for the Hell of it by adding worthless posts to the end of them, but that's just me.
Seriously though, rehashing split fin vs paddle gets old after a few and the pub is the same old tinfoil conspiracies.

Sent from my pasture using Tabableet 2
How did you quote him before he posted it? Are you a time traveler?
How did you quote him before he posted it? Are you a time traveler?

****ing magic.

Sent from my pasture using Tabableet 2
Funny I don't know anything about this. I would think I would have heard about it.

I have to admit I don't see the humor in reviving ancient threads just for the Hell of it by adding worthless posts to the end of them, but that's just me.

Yeah I have that problem too. Lots of things I know nothing of as well.
You only get banned if the other person is a whiney bitch.

Sent from my pasture using Tabableet 2

We have those on this board :shocked:

****ing magic.

Sent from my pasture using Tabableet 2

Mods have super powers, it seems.

I recall one judiciously, repeatedly closing a thread on me, so this un name Mod could get in the last word. NOT naming naming names.....
back on HOA's - seems they are trying to charge us a "late fee" for not paying a maintenance fee that was due the end of january yet we didn't get until mid february . . . I wanna tell the ol' bat she needs more centrum silver.
back on HOA's - seems they are trying to charge us a "late fee" for not paying a maintenance fee that was due the end of january yet we didn't get until mid february . . . I wanna tell the ol' bat she needs more centrum silver.

Centrum Silver eh? That may help us "forgetful" people :thumb:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk.......figure it out

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