What's a good price for a Rix SA-6? I am looking at a used electric motor version, and curious about what would be a fair price assuming good condition.
Oh man, that's a loaded question. As least expensive as you can get it for? I paid $2400 for mine (diesel), a buddy paid $600 for his (gas) but it was missing the fan cover.
If it's a stock Rix it will need additional filtration to dry the air. I got mine from American Airworks for $400+ (I did not know I needed that at the time of purchase of the Rix so that was a salty purchase). Fittings, hoses, gauges and what not ran me another ~ $1000. If I had that to do over again I would have bought as much used parts as I could. And this was all before covid, so these prices are different now.
If you find one and it looks in good shape send me some pictures, I'd be happy to take a look. You're mainly looking for a cleaner unit (somewhat indicative of being taken care of), dual belts, stainless steel heads, and a fan with 8 blades but I use an additional fan so one with less wouldn't be a deal breaker for me. It seems to me newer fans are black and older fans are white?
The higher the serial number the newer the unit. For reference mine is 12509 and is one of the newer ones that I've seen.
Just trying to give you an idea what you're in for or what yo look for.