Suggestion Thread Revival Limits

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Reaction score
Barrie, ON: CAN
# of dives
0 - 24
Love Scubaboard but one thing that makes me boil is going into threads with new posts, reading all the way through them only to find out that the thread was started 4 years ago and someone revived it by essentially bumping it with summary advice for someone who no longer browses the forum. While I have no doubt the archive of posts that we have on this forum are invaluable, can we add an auto-lock system for inactive threads dated a year or longer? Adding to some threads is an important process which I understand but there's a good few I read through and can't help but think "why was this revived".
There are very few things that I take seriously. SB and you are not very high on that list...

But Canadian snow birds.........:ss:.........they are Canada's gift to you
But Canadian snow birds.........:ss:.........they are Canada's gift to you

PART of what makes driving in FL SO interesting......:gas:
...While I have no doubt the archive of posts that we have on this forum are invaluable, can we add an auto-lock system for inactive threads dated a year or longer? Adding to some threads is an important process which I understand but there's a good few I read through and can't help but think "why was this revived".

Personally, this doesn't bother me as the only bad question often is the one unasked. Over the years, my answers might vary somewhat. Perhaps the reason for this may be my perspective, which may change by age or experience. Input to any question (regardless of one revisited or repeated) is optional to those answering it (or not). Another thing to keep in mind, is that SB has a constant stream of new participants. Chances are that any repeated or re-visited question will be a new one to many...
But Canadian snow birds.........:ss:.........they are Canada's gift to you

**** those snow birds, I cannot wait for them to go home.

I had one sitting waiting for the spot I was parked in at the gym this morning, I had just gotten to my car and they sat and waited for close to 10 minutes for me to load and get settled in the car. There was a half empty parking lot to park in, but they wanted my spot and held up traffic in the parking lot to get it.

I may have being a bit of a Richard and going slow too...

Sent from my pasture using Tabableet 2
I may have being a bit of a Richard and going slow too...

Sent from my pasture using Tabableet 2

I can't picture you EVER doing that :wink:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I know, I am such a kind and gentle, loving person.

my neighbors really do like me...

Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 2
I know, I am such a kind and gentle, loving person.

my neighbors really do like me...

Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 2

are you sure that they just aren't nice to you because they are scared?
They could be scared, but i don't know why. I am an upstanding citizen, i pay my taxes and cut my lawn...

ohh maybe it is the tank traps and claymore warning signs in the yard...

Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 2

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