Suggestion Thread Revival Limits

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Barrie, ON: CAN
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0 - 24
Love Scubaboard but one thing that makes me boil is going into threads with new posts, reading all the way through them only to find out that the thread was started 4 years ago and someone revived it by essentially bumping it with summary advice for someone who no longer browses the forum. While I have no doubt the archive of posts that we have on this forum are invaluable, can we add an auto-lock system for inactive threads dated a year or longer? Adding to some threads is an important process which I understand but there's a good few I read through and can't help but think "why was this revived".
Zack, we're an online community which means one big extended family in which there are jokers, know-it-alls, grumpy old folks, clueless youngsters, leaders/followers, clear thinkers, muddled thinkers, and lots of other types. Heck, some of us embody one type one day and another type another day. Mostly we embrace other members who come along and they end up finding their own place in the community by making friends and becoming involved in their favorite forums. So please consider the comments below as my observations about adjustment into our community.

I don't actually see any trolling, Zack. What I see is ribbing. And what I'm saying is you take yourself way too seriously. I mean, even your sig quotes..... (drumroll) yourself! Lighten up, Zack! When a group teases you, you've got several options: 1) get all prickly about it and thus distance yourself from the group 2) roll with it, laugh at yourself, and thus make yourself a part of the group 3) ignore them and put off a decision about whether you want to join the group.

Have you noticed that we've got a smiley that says all that in a non-prickly way? :rolleyes:
The whole Canadian joke thing isn't about being fresh--it's about pretending to punch your friend in the ribs. Come on.... you've been invited in from the "cold". Why not just lighten up and accept the invitation?

We also have :deadhorse: and :soapbox:

Others that can apply are :trainwreck: and my favorite: :gas:

Others like :troll:

Mostly we rib each other, and watch who can roll with it, and who takes themselves too seriously to be much fun to spend time and effort on making a friend.

Every one of us has been on the receiving end of this ribbing.
If you've never read the thread before, then it's new to you.... Sometimes reading through an old thread you posted in brings back precious memories. It's like the movie tend to forget the beginning and start from the end.
Zack, we're an online community which means one big extended family in which there are jokers, know-it-alls, grumpy old folks, clueless youngsters, leaders/followers, clear thinkers, muddled thinkers, and lots of other types. Heck, some of us embody one type one day and another type another day. Mostly we embrace other members who come along and they end up finding their own place in the community by making friends and becoming involved in their favorite forums. So please consider the comments below as my observations about adjustment into our community.

I don't actually see any trolling, Zack. What I see is ribbing. And what I'm saying is you take yourself way too seriously. I mean, even your sig quotes..... (drumroll) yourself! Lighten up, Zack! When a group teases you, you've got several options: 1) get all prickly about it and thus distance yourself from the group 2) roll with it, laugh at yourself, and thus make yourself a part of the group 3) ignore them and put off a decision about whether you want to join the group. So far, your reaction is looking like choice number 1. And no, changing the word "boil" to "unicorn" would probably not change the outcome since the outcome is a product of your perception more than anything else.

The whole Canadian joke thing isn't about being fresh--it's about pretending to punch your friend in the ribs. Come on.... you've been invited in from the "cold". Why not just lighten up and accept the invitation?

Getting back to your topic.... doing anything of the sort most likely means writing code to insert into vBulletin. And then during the next upgrade it will just have to be removed since it won't be compatible. The real solution is simply to scroll back a tiny bit on the page to see when the last previous post was made before the most recent additions. It's true that most of these resurrections are performed by new members to whom even old threads are new. Let it go. It's a non-issue, actually. Because most of us see it as a non-issue (and maybe a few even remember the old threads that went nowhere), this thread quickly turned into a rash of cross-border snowball lobbing.

Ribbing, trolling, I call it all the same, personally. I never said it's wrong necessarily to joke, but include something useful as well, it's not hard. Sad to hear you think I'm distancing myself from the group and getting prickly, I don't feel that way if you think I'm majorly upset or offended by any posters. Being trolled by others is just apart of being on the internet and hardly discouraging these days to not want to be apart of a community. As per my frequency here, I enjoy discussions. Imagine with your example your friend constantly fake punching you on a daily basis, it may be funny to you or it may eventually get old, I'm just the later. A joke to me finds its humour part in its new, unheard value. Telling the same thing over and over again just sounds boorish and sadly, there aren't many jokes people are capable of making about Canada that I haven't heard more than a dozen times. Some I'm a fan of, others not; I'd imagine this same issue with anyone and their culture or nationality and select topics within it. When I hear something that's been repeated with dire frequency it sounds like something someone who lacks maturity and the creativity to develop a decent jab. Yes, I am serious to a degree as I do also joke a lot with subtle sarcasm and dry humour (along with my posts here), someone else posted does seem to get it but I don't write it to make others laugh, it's just who I am. If someone ends up recognizing what I say for what it truly is, that's fine with me. Tone is all too hard to convey over the internet for what its worth. For the record, I don't quote myself in my sig, it's a quote and my name- if anyone would suggest a better way to separate the two, have at it.

Coding isn't that difficult and only needs to be reinserted every time the version updates (if we're talking about the date notification mod) a lot of addons actually exist for vBulletin and PHP that are shared simple copy/paste models. Same as Wordpress; thankfully certain systems that have survived the internet have been around long enough to become popular. vBulletin is one of those with fairly high support.

As you say however, it's a dead issue and that's fine so feel free to close the topic or keep it open for someone to have an attempt 3 years from now to PM me a URL here where they've bumped it, whatever works for you guys. Might be worth a laugh, who knows.
Coding isn't that difficult and only needs to be reinserted every time the version updates (if we're talking about the date notification mod) a lot of addons actually exist for vBulletin and PHP that are shared simple copy/paste models. Same as Wordpress; thankfully certain systems that have survived the internet have been around long enough to become popular. vBulletin is one of those with fairly high support.

Everything else aside, it is worth noting - I have seen it posted elsewhere and do not believe it has changed - system administration is done on a volunteer basis. Looking for deviations from standard code may be trivial with full time paid staff, but adds unnecessarily to volunteer workload - particularly from a troubleshooting perspective.
Ribbing, trolling, I call it all the same, personally. I never said it's wrong necessarily to joke, but include something useful as well, it's not hard. Sad to hear you think I'm distancing myself from the group and getting prickly, I don't feel that way if you think I'm majorly upset or offended by any posters. Being trolled by others is just apart of being on the internet and hardly discouraging these days to not want to be apart of a community. As per my frequency here, I enjoy discussions. Imagine with your example your friend constantly fake punching you on a daily basis, it may be funny to you or it may eventually get old, I'm just the later. A joke to me finds its humour part in its new, unheard value. Telling the same thing over and over again just sounds boorish and sadly, there aren't many jokes people are capable of making about Canada that I haven't heard more than a dozen times. Some I'm a fan of, others not; I'd imagine this same issue with anyone and their culture or nationality and select topics within it. When I hear something that's been repeated with dire frequency it sounds like something someone who lacks maturity and the creativity to develop a decent jab. Yes, I am serious to a degree as I do also joke a lot with subtle sarcasm and dry humour (along with my posts here), someone else posted does seem to get it but I don't write it to make others laugh, it's just who I am. If someone ends up recognizing what I say for what it truly is, that's fine with me. Tone is all too hard to convey over the internet for what its worth. For the record, I don't quote myself in my sig, it's a quote and my name- if anyone would suggest a better way to separate the two, have at it.

Coding isn't that difficult and only needs to be reinserted every time the version updates (if we're talking about the date notification mod) a lot of addons actually exist for vBulletin and PHP that are shared simple copy/paste models. Same as Wordpress; thankfully certain systems that have survived the internet have been around long enough to become popular. vBulletin is one of those with fairly high support.

As you say however, it's a dead issue and that's fine so feel free to close the topic or keep it open for someone to have an attempt 3 years from now to PM me a URL here where they've bumped it, whatever works for you guys. Might be worth a laugh, who knows.

blah, blah, blah you don't like jokes blah, blah, blah.

ohh and as someone else said, take a chill pill "mr i am so serious and much funnier when i make my jokes."
@gcarter, most internet forums are volunteer based, that's what helps make them so good. I'm incredibly grateful that there are people everywhere who take time to curate sites for free. I used to be one of them elsewhere but alas I have less time than I used to. I'd track down code and spoon feed it to admins if it were something the community were interested in it. It's as simple as copy/paste. Not to assume the time of others here but if they have enough time to write thoughtful posts at length to people such as myself telling me to lighten up, then I will indeed rudely assume they have time for what I was suggesting earlier; this is a democracy however and I can respect that and because it's not a big deal to either change or keep what I'm asking (either way it tilts), why push that issue? I'm fine with it, I was told no, at this point I'm just answering anything directed at me.

@Letterboy, feel free to skip my posts then if you can't stand reading through what I write, it bothers me little. I admitted I'm serious, can you admit that you're taking that too seriously?


(Thanks gypsy)
Not to assume the time of others here but if they have enough time to write thoughtful posts at length to people such as myself telling me to lighten up, then I will indeed rudely assume they have time for what I was suggesting earlier;
Zack, first of all, I'm glad you found my posts to you "thoughtful." They were intended to be that, as well as thought-provoking. As to site administration, although when you look at the Site Leaders section of SB it appears to be heavily populated, in fact well over 200 of these "site leaders" are really only in charge of their own manufacturer's forum or their own club forum--these folks don't do any of the heavy lifting in the day-to-day functioning of SB, and their "powers" extend only as far as the boundaries of their forums. Actually, only about a dozen people keep SB ticking along site wide, and while our responsibilities overlap when it comes to writing thoughtful posts to help guide users, only two people actually fiddle with the coding of the site, and of those two just one has that specific responsibility and does this regularly. That one person is kept plenty busy looking at issues like the virus warnings that recently popped up on Google, installing vB published updates, etc. We're lucky he can dedicate even that much time to keeping things in order here. My own roles on SB are as a Moderator and an Advisor. I don't code. So that leaves me with a bit more time to respond to "suggestions" in this forum, something you see our Site Admin doing quite infrequently since he can rely on the rest of us to cover that aspect. :)
Therein lies the dangers of assuming and lumping everyone in :wink: I still do appreciate it, everyone's individual roles aside. A good number of us, staff included have lives outside of all this and jobs so I do understand that.
@gcarter, most internet forums are volunteer based, that's what helps make them so good. I'm incredibly grateful that there are people everywhere who take time to curate sites for free. I used to be one of them elsewhere but alas I have less time than I used to. I'd track down code and spoon feed it to admins if it were something the community were interested in it. It's as simple as copy/paste. Not to assume the time of others here but if they have enough time to write thoughtful posts at length to people such as myself telling me to lighten up, then I will indeed rudely assume they have time for what I was suggesting earlier; this is a democracy however and I can respect that and because it's not a big deal to either change or keep what I'm asking (either way it tilts), why push that issue? I'm fine with it, I was told no, at this point I'm just answering anything directed at me.

@Letterboy, feel free to skip my posts then if you can't stand reading through what I write, it bothers me little. I admitted I'm serious, can you admit that you're taking that too seriously?


(Thanks gypsy)

There are very few things that I take seriously. SB and you are not very high on that list...

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