Yeah, but they actually make controlling your BC easier. Purge valves on masks don't make mask clearing any easier. If they make it easier for you, you're definitely doing something wrong.
Actually, I've never had a problem clearing my mask... from day 1 of diving. However, I have a stache as well, and slight leaking is a way of life.
I own two SeaVisions -- one purge, one non-purge. The non-purge is my backup. I've never had an issue with the purge.
The purge does not get in the way of 'pinching.'
The purge has never become a collection point for sand, debris, or any other matter.
The purge has never inhibited equalizing, or created mask squeeze at depth (and I've had it on many deep dives).
While I have no issue manually clearing, the purge is simply easier, and more convenient.
As for failure point, my BC has a similar purge. It's called a dump valve. I've never had a failure on that either, and I while I can purge the BC through the inflator, the dump valve is a convenience, as I've never had to deploy it in an emergency situation.
Bottom line, if you're good with standard clearing, more power to ya. However, if you don't use one (a purge), or if you've used one without incident for years, you're hardly in a position to berate its use by others that find value in it.