TSandM:Well, congratulations on getting through it.
Fundies was a big challenge for me, and it's taken a lot of hard work and time to get to where I think I may well pass it. But it's done so much for my diving . . . I can imagine that the level of skills called for in Tech1 would do the same. Taking diving to another level![]()
Of course, the problem with going to the next level is that there's still always the next level after that that you feel (rightly so) woefully inadequate to even contemplate -- and then the next thing you find is that you are out practicing for it!
DIR-F is an amazing class, and T1 follows on in that tradition by building on all the skills you already learnt, but adding a huge focus on the team -- and it's easy to think you have good team awareness (I did) but then I took tech1 and was humbled in that aspect also.
Now I find myself signing up for cave1 in october -- glutton for punishment!