Like some divers have mentioned previously, I think the best preparation for Tech 1 is to really have your fundamentals skills down. The rest you will learn in class. It seems that part of GUEs teaching strategy includes that you make misstakes in the class and learn fro them. It is painful for the ego (if you have one, and most do), but in my opinion and experience it is a very effective way to learn...
The risk you have by practicing things without proper demonstration and supervision is that you risk ingraning the wrong method in your muscle memory, which makes it even harder to unlearn. When a person get stressed, and you will get stressed in Tech 1, we tend to revert back to basic responses that have been learned by a lot of repetition, even if they are wrong.
From personal experience (myself initially having stressed over passing), I would recommend you to take the Tech 1 class more from a perpective of really learning a great way of diving, instead of solely on passing. That may keep you more "open" to learning, and maybe even reduce the stress level a bit.

It is after all what you properly learn that will keep you alive under water.