users have been banned. But, being banned is rare and it takes quite a lot for it to happen. We believe in a diverse board and you can tell that by the spectrum of moderators that are here. We have PADI, YMCA, and NAUI instructors, as well as DIR divers, fairly new divers and some who can not dive any more. Hey, we even allow "Yo Geek Boy" to be a moderator, pocket protector and all!
Simply disagreeing with a moderator, even vehemently, will never get you banned... there are quite a few on this board that disagree with me on certain issues. They are wrong of course, :tease: but that does not give me the right (or even the desire) to have them banned from the board.
Banning is reserved for those who simply refuse to abide by the TOS. It usually involves spam, deceit, threats of violence or continual harassment of others. They are almost always given ample warnings and sometimes they even ask for forgiveness. Still, most people are not "banned", but the board is either not fun for them any more or they have figured out that they will not be allowed to play their little "games". If your primary purpose is to solicit or spam, then your tenure here will probably be short, as we will frustrate every one of your attempts.
:spam: :kicker: