The Terri Schiavo Case

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this is a quick story on the baby:

here's a little more depth to the law itself:

and here's a Texas view on it:

dang, you have to sign up for that last link. here's a blurb:

In 1999, the Texas Legislature passed, and then-Gov. Bush signed, the Advance Directives Act, which lets people dictate their end-of-life wishes in instruments such as living wills. For a patient who cannot communicate his or her wishes, the law allows family members, in consultation with physicians, to make life-ending decisions.

The act also allows Texas health care professionals to disconnect patients from life-sustaining systems if a physician, in consultation with a hospital bioethics committee, concludes that the patient's condition is hopeless. The patient's family can try to find another health care facility to care for the patient. But if one cannot be found, the law empowers the hospital to withdraw life support against the wishes of the family.
Thanks for the good info. So why does making intelligent decisions about a hopeless case and that of a case where there is much contraversy?
Why is she (Terri) really that way?
Why has she not been given therapy?
Why does an aldulterous husband have more say than loving parents?
Why can she not be given water? (my god, is the water going to kill her?)
There are way too many unanswered questions by many.
I have heard that only one judge has reviewed all the information in this case,
(an appointee of a former governor of Alabama, home to the newest presidential library)
An order from congress was ignored.
And a request for what do you call it, "start over, look at all the facts from the beginning" has also been ignored.
This whole thing is so full of holes, IT is absurd. It goes way beyond politics, it goes way beyond you and me. But IT ain't over yet, Terri is still alive.
It is so distrurbing what is happening to Terri, we can't even kill a serial killer the way they are letting terri die. For some reason the same people that tell us her death is free of pain would tell us that the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment, and they die quickly.
It is so distrurbing what is happening to Terri, we can't even kill a serial killer the way they are letting terri die. For some reason the same people that tell us her death is free of pain would tell us that the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment, and they die quickly.

Yeah, and the same people who support the death penalty (painless lethal injection for criminals) will NOT support voluntary euthanasia for people who are really suffering. It's really sick to hear the talk about how she is suffering in her last days when they've always opposed the means to make it painless.
Why is she (Terri) really that way?
Because she was bulimic, was eating food then forcing herself to throw up, and her electrolyte levels got screwed up and her heart stopped.

Why has she not been given therapy?
She was in therapy for years, both in California and in Florida. No improvement.

Why does an aldulterous husband have more say than loving parents?
*sigh* He is her legal, court appointed guardian. Those "loving parents" told Michael Schiavo they were going to make his life a living hell, after he refused to give them any of the settlement money. They surely have done that.

Why can she not be given water? (my god, is the water going to kill her?)
Probably. She can't swallow. She would choke on the water and aspirate it.

There are way too many unanswered questions by many.
Only because those "many" aren't listening to the facts of this case and are relying on their emotions or their religious beliefs. The most important thing we have in this country is the rule of law. It protects all of us. What about the flip side of the argument?? If Terri can be forced to accept life support equipment, what next? Will I be force to accept chemotherapy if I don't want it? Will someone who's religious beliefs aren't the same as the lawmakers be forced to accept blood transfusions?

I have heard that only one judge has reviewed all the information in this case, (an appointee of a former governor of Alabama, home to the newest presidential library)
That's ridiculous, and just plain wrong. Where the hell is there a presidential library in Alabama????

An order from congress was ignored.
And a request for what do you call it, "start over, look at all the facts from the beginning" has also been ignored.
Wrong again. My understanding is that the full case is being reviewed in federal court as we speak, per the new leglislation. Also....ask yourself why didn't Congress put a provision in this new law of theirs that the feeding tube be reinstated pending the review?

This whole thing is so full of holes, IT is absurd.
Yeah...that's what I'm saying.
DA Aquamaster:
I agree that little of this has to do with Terri. Unfortunately, for many people it also has little to do with well thought out philosophy either. It does however have everything to do with sending a particular political message one way or the other, which more often than not just results in contradictions.

For example, true pro-life advocates who believe all life should be preserved are being courted and parroted by politicians, lawyers and pro-life wannabees and lightweights who distort the argument and say Terri's life should be spared because new medical advances in the future may make her recovery possible. These are ironically usually the same people who support limiting stem cell research to existing lines out of concern that stem cell research would lead to fetuses being created for the express purpose of research. This well intentioned policy is however generally agreed by people in the field to be a policy that dooms the potential for any significant medical benefit. You can't have it both ways and people cannot borrow part of a philosophy or stretch it to mean more than it does.

I don't see a contradiction there. Where's the contradiction in "don't kill people"? Don't kill them because they're sick and don't kill them to get raw material to help them.

Medical care costs, insurance companies and peoples wishes, of course, all complicate things some.
Then frankly, you should Butt Out!

There you go. I try to have a reasonable conversation with you and all you can do is state when you think I should be allowed to speak. This thread isn't going to have any bearing on the outcome and is nothing but idle conversation swapping thoughts on a subject. Since I'm not talking to the court, legislators, doctors or family I am butted out or can't you see that?

You do this all the time. You really need to somehow come to understand that beyond enforcing the TOS of this board that you have absolutely no authority over me.

If you talk this way to people in person you must have a very conflict filled life.
You don't know Terri, you don't know Michael and you can't be bothered to even check up on what is going on.

Is that a requirement to participate in this idle conversation?
You are just parroting statements made by one side without even doing a minimum of checking to see if they even make sense.

Why do I have to check out everything reported by news netwerks before discussing the report especially given that the discussion has no bearing on any outcome ANYPLACE?
Just like Jeb Bush going on TV and saying "Terri wants to live"
He has never even met her!

Unlike Jeb Bush, I have no ability to impact the outcome in any way. Do you yet see that important difference?
The abuse in this case is by the parents and the governer and legislature.

That is your opinion and you're entitled to it but you quit handily state it as if it were a fact. Personally, I disagree.
Chirst, can't these Bu****es ever admit that they are WRONG and that they have lost and THEN MOVE ON?

Are you asking us or Christ?
What is "Bu****es"?
It seems to me, the same people who keep fighting this thing are the same ones who during a hotly contested election kept saying, "It is over, just move on."

Where is the morality in Lying?

The key people who keep fighting are the girls parents. Are you a parent?
yeah... well... that's not her argument. in fact, she has no argument.

she's making a statement of fact

you're the one making the argument... and pardon me, it's absurd.

(not you, the argument)

HOWEVER... that is the effect of the law in effect in Texas.
hospitals can petition the state and terminate
life support for patients. guess who's gonna get cut first?

also, if you want heart-wrenching, the first person to get cut
off by a hospital was a baby, and his mother DID NOT want
the life support to end. the state forced her to do it.

btw, that law is in place courtesy of a Texas ex-governor we all know well

the main lobbysts for the law were insurance companies and health care providers.

guess why?

Hey H2,

I read Maya's response after I my response was posted. Such is the possible effect of multi-processing and several users posting simultaneously.

Excepting convicted murderers ...

Any time a society devalues a group, or individual, based on "cost", "quality of life" or what-have-you, and decides that group, or individual should not be alive, it starts down a slippery slope toward genocide and the world recoils in horrow asking yet again "how could this happen?"

NAZI Germany.
Communist China under Mao.
North Korea under the "dear" and "great" leaders.
Cambodia under PolPot.
Uganda under Amin.
Sudan under an Islamic ruling class.
Iraq under Saddam.

Ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

And don't say it "can't happen here" because it is happening.

Terri is merely the latest poster child.

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