The Terri Schiavo Case

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The doctors just now butting into this case relied on video tape that is years old, extensively edited by and provided by Terri's parents to make their "diagnosis". What utter crap. The 5 doctors who testified at the hearings on this matter were made up of 2 physicians chosen by the parents, 2 chosen by the husband, and 1 independent doctor appointed by the court. And they actually examined her and performed tests. The ONLY point of contention was if there was a tiny piece of brain left alive, or not. In other words, was 99% of her brain gone, or 100%.

And circuit court judges in Florida ARE elected. Judge Greer was overwhelmingly re-elected last year.

There are no new allegations of abuse and neglect. All the charges raised by DCF and Jeb Bush have been litigated over and over.

Doesn't anyone find it strange that the parents have testified in court, under oath, that Michael and Terri had a wonderful marriage, that they were madly in love? They testified under oath that Michael was a good husband, loving and supportive. They also testified under oath that they DID NOT KNOW what Terri's wishes were.

Get the facts, people.
I’m reading that people feel it’s “better” if she is allowed to pass.
Better for whom? Better for Terri? Better in her case makes her dead. Not a good result.
Better for her parents? Again how can the death of their child who they’ve fought so hard to keep alive be better? Better for the husband? This is a guy who wants her out of the way so he can get on with is new life. Better no, convenient most defiantly.
To kill another person whose conscious, whose heart is beating and who’s breathing on their own for the sake of being convenient, that’s also just plain wrong. No human being is deposable.
The doctors just now butting into this case relied on video tape that is years old, extensively edited by and provided by Terri's parents to make their "diagnosis". What utter crap. The 5 doctors who testified at the hearings on this matter were made up of 2 physicians chosen by the parents, 2 chosen by the husband, and 1 independent doctor appointed by the court. And they actually examined her and performed tests. The ONLY point of contention was if there was a tiny piece of brain left alive, or not. In other words, was 99% of her brain gone, or 100%.

And circuit court judges in Florida ARE elected. Judge Greer was overwhelmingly re-elected last year.

There are no new allegations of abuse and neglect. All the charges raised by DCF and Jeb Bush have been litigated over and over.

Doesn't anyone find it strange that the parents have testified in court, under oath, that Michael and Terri had a wonderful marriage, that they were madly in love? They testified under oath that Michael was a good husband, loving and supportive. They also testified under oath that they DID NOT KNOW what Terri's wishes were.

Get the facts, people.

The report was that the mayo clinic doctor I mentioned actually examined her as did the nobel prize guy.

I think we all understand that the process provided for by law was followed with the addition of some new tricks. Correctly following a process does not insure a good outcome and it's hard to use poor results to proov the process is sound. Just look at all those who have narrowly avoided long jail terms with the advent of DNA testing. These are just the kinds of things that lead to changes in the law and I think that we'll eventually see some changes come out of this. Court houses are places where two sides go up against one another and often the one with the most money and tricks is the winner. Experts ALWAYS testify the way they are paid to. They charge BIG bucks for a trip to the courthouse and regardless of the arguement both sides will be able to find experts to testify their way. Unfortunately I've been around courts enough to know that truth often isn't nearly as important as winning. In goes on for a while in a given area until it catches the publics eye and then it's changes some. All we're seeing now is another part of the system...which is not to to just tuck tail and except things when we think they're not quit right. We scream, hollar, vote, try new tricks and hopefully make changes to the law to make it work better the next time around.
You don't have the facts. Terri went through years of intensive therapy - in California and in Florida. She's had numerous swallow tests. Therapy and further tests were stopped only after all doctors treating her said that there was no hope of recovery and that further therapy was pointless. This is all public record! Why do people insist only upon believing what's in the media or on the internet?? If you're going to judge at least have the facts straight.

I appologize... I do not have the time to go through 15 years of public records. I don't live in florida, so I am just hearing this now. I was going on info that I have gleaned from the last year or so. Thank you for the enlightenment.
I appologize... I do not have the time to go through 15 years of public records. I don't live in florida, so I am just hearing this now. I was going on info that I have gleaned from the last year or so. Thank you for the enlightenment.

I'm not trying to be a jerk here...but this is my point exactly. The only ones who have the advantage of all the testimony, all the tests, all the hours of video, all the experts, etc. etc. are those judges who have heard all this for the past 7 years. To have all this re-hashed again at this late date, when it has all been litigated over and over, is pointless and just adding more pain to an already tragic situation.

Someone said this is going to end in either tragedy or travesty. I think that about sums it up.
The report was that the mayo clinic doctor I mentioned actually examined her as did the nobel prize guy.

I think we all understand that the process provided for by law was followed with the addition of some new tricks. Correctly following a process does not insure a good outcome and it's hard to use poor results to proov the process is sound. Just look at all those who have narrowly avoided long jail terms with the advent of DNA testing. These are just the kinds of things that lead to changes in the law and I think that we'll eventually see some changes come out of this. Court houses are places where two sides go up against one another and often the one with the most money and tricks is the winner. Experts ALWAYS testify the way they are paid to. They charge BIG bucks for a trip to the courthouse and regardless of the arguement both sides will be able to find experts to testify their way. Unfortunately I've been around courts enough to know that truth often isn't nearly as important as winning. In goes on for a while in a given area until it catches the publics eye and then it's changes some. All we're seeing now is another part of the system...which is not to to just tuck tail and except things when we think they're not quit right. We scream, hollar, vote, try new tricks and hopefully make changes to the law to make it work better the next time around.

My understanding (and Jeb Bush's statements in his press conference confirm) is that these doctors looked at video and some of the records to make their diagnosis. I cannot see how any new doctors, not already involved in this case for the last 7 years, could have gotten in to perform an examination of Terri.

I have no idea what you mean by the addition of "new tricks". The way I see it, the only new tricks in this case have been performed by the Florida legislature (in 2003), the Governor, the U.S. Congress, and the President of the United States.

I agree about expert witnesses....and that is why an independent doctor not associated with either side was also called in.

Ironically, stem cell research is one of the medical avenues that may be able to help people with brain injuries in the future...but wait! The legislators wanting to keep Terri alive are against stem cell research.

What has paid to keep her alive these past several years is Medicaid...but wait! The governor of FL wants drastic cuts in Medicaid, especially the type of Medicaid which assists disabled people.

And a medical malpractice suit allowed her to get all that rehabilitation in the first place...but wait! Those same legislators want to limit awards to injured patients..."tort reform", I think they call it.

I'm getting into politics, which I shouldn't do. But the hypocrisy here is over the top...even for politicians.
My understanding (and Jeb Bush's statements in his press conference confirm) is that these doctors looked at video and some of the records to make their diagnosis. I cannot see how any new doctors, not already involved in this case for the last 7 years, could have gotten in to perform an examination of Terri.

I can't argue. All I know is what was reported.
I have no idea what you mean by the addition of "new tricks". The way I see it, the only new tricks in this case have been performed by the Florida legislature (in 2003), the Governor, the U.S. Congress, and the President of the United States.

That's what I mean
I agree about expert witnesses....and that is why an independent doctor not associated with either side was also called in.

Of course, if the point here is that since she can't speak and we're relying on the "husband" to carry out her wishes, I'm not sure it matters what any doctor says.
Ironically, stem cell research is one of the medical avenues that may be able to help people with brain injuries in the future...but wait! The legislators wanting to keep Terri alive are against stem cell research.

Are they against stem cell research or killing people to get the stem cells?
What has paid to keep her alive these past several years is Medicaid...but wait! The governor of FL wants drastic cuts in Medicaid, especially the type of Medicaid which assists disabled people.

And a medical malpractice suit allowed her to get all that rehabilitation in the first place...but wait! Those same legislators want to limit awards to injured patients..."tort reform", I think they call it.

I'm getting into politics, which I shouldn't do. But the hypocrisy here is over the top...even for politicians.

Hypocrisy could almost be used as a synonym for politics. We just need to find a way to work in the blood sucking creature part.
How many of you would want to be kept "alive" after spending 15 years in a hospital bed? 15 years people. Even if I weren't brain dead, Brain Damaged I would not want to remain in this position. It's not like it's only been days or months. You can't compare something like babies or a similar situation that lasted weeks to something that has lasted this long...

That is exactly what I have been wondering myself, since this whole case started to show up on the evening news.

For me, I think the answer would be 6 months, maximum.

Then at 6 months and one day, I would want all my organs donated to others, and the plug pulled. Of course, once they donate your heart, that pretty much pulls the plug then and there.

I would then rest happily in Eternity knowing that my organs had gone to help other people live on, rather than waste away in a hospital bed for 15 years or more.

Good point, Kennedy.
For me, I think the answer would be 6 months, maximum.

according to that article i posted, the chances after 3 years are slim to none
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