The Swine Flu thing...

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Like most things, you will find those that advise this and others that advise that. I'm just saying, err on the side of safety. Keep in mind that those traveling TO Coz could be bringing the flu WITH them. It works both ways. Just be safe, divers.

PF, the WHO is not advising that, and I think he admitted that the CDC is.
LaMont thinks this thing is winding down. It's really hard to tell as WHO is still at phase 5, optimistic but cautious I think they say. Hope it does, and we're ready for the next wave.

I don't think its "winding down", I just think we know enough about it now that we need to resume something closer to business-as-usual. I don't see *any* evidence of increased risk of a 1918-lethality pandemic right now. But the southern hemisphere could see a wave of influenza that along with the typical seasonal flu could cause 2-3x the normal fatality rate when flu season really gets going down there. Hopefully by the time flu season comes back around in the northern hemisphere we have a vaccine.

I will probably be getting a flu shot this year (I normally don't), since I would bet that 2009-2010 northern hemisphere flu season will be bad and symptomatically it will probably be much worse than my normal flu symptoms (usually I just get a degree of fever and don't really get respiratory symptoms -- I haven't had more than low-grade influenza in years). Right now with a plane tix to Cancun in June I'm more worried about GI bugs and more concerned about remembering to pre-load my GI tract with yogurt cultures before I leave than having Tamiflu with me down there...

The one other nod to the flu that I'm going to give is that I'm going to make certain to "quarantine" myself from my young nieces and nephews when I get back, for a week or so to make sure I don't get sick and pass it on to them...

And its still always worth watching. We still don't understand why the reports out of Mexico were reporting so many fatalities in otherwise healthy adults. We don't *know* that it won't come back in another pandemic wave in the northern hemisphere even in the summer months. Mexico is reporting that it may be burning itself out there (of course all the bashing on Mexican authorities cuts both ways, they could be playing it down now). We still need to watch the evolution of cases in the US over time (where we've apparently got better reporting), but we're entering hot summer months where this virus should have a difficult time.
Aw thanks! Didn't bring my pop last time and missed it. Do you know if Mega has cheap, 12 cup coffee makers? I am getting better with taxi drivers. :D

We always rent a condo and they have a coffee pot in the kitchen although our breakfast of choice diving days in Cozumel includes coke light and oreos!​
We always rent a condo and they have a coffee pot in the kitchen although our breakfast of choice diving days in Cozumel includes coke light and oreos!
From looking here: Cozumel Mexico has a new Supermarket; Mega!
There are flat panel TV's for sale, Maytag washers, dryers, refrigerators and just about everything that you would want for your home as well as food.
I think I will put that on the first day shopping list...
Pilot Fish,
I will not respond to your comment but it did come off looking a bit mean spirited.

Oh? :confused: So glad you didn't respond to my post. Sheesh, if you had, no telling what you might have said? :rofl3:
An interesting statistic a doctor friend of mine just shared with me, they are looking into why older people, 50s, 60s & 70s, seem to be more resistent to the current swine flu outbreak than younger people, 20s, 30s & 40s, It is way too early to draw any solid conclusions, he said, but they suspect it MIGHT be that older people that have many years of getting flu shots MIGHT have built up some sort of resistence. Right now it is just empiracal.

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