The Swine Flu thing...

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Don, this is looking more amd more like a waste of time trying to advice Coz divers to proceed with caution regarding this swine flu outbreak in Mexico. The Coz dive industry, and it's staff, are content to tell thier fellow divers to " disregard the flu hype, the flu hysteria" and, come on down and dive:shakehead:
Everyone can do what they want to; none of my business.

But please do not ask me to believe the rosy reports from the government there; we kinda know how they run. Or ask the locals here how honest they are overall...?
"some people we know are waaaay more likely to die due to their own mistakes made on a dive trip than they are from the flu, - firefyter " firefyter Your words.:shakehead:

That's not what I said at all. Go back, read it again, and try to comprehend what I said. I agree, if I had made that statement, it would be very silly. I'm starting to see why you're always in arguments. :shakehead:
some people we know are waaaay more likely to die due to their own mistakes made on a dive trip than they are from the flu, - firefyter

Again, your words. Here you are comparing dive accidents, accidental diver deaths, to flu deaths. You might want to read your own posts FF:eyebrow:

Again, that's not the comparison that was made at all. Therefore, your statement is not a very bright one and it is TOTALLY INACCURATE.
I agree.

Now they are trying to rewrite their posts,:rofl3: [that's what they SAID, but this is what they MEANT. like VP Biden, huh? ], to say something other than what they actually said. Like you said, they all can do as they please. None of my business. I'll leave them with their BOTTOM LINE MORALITY:shakehead:

Everyone can do what they want to; none of my business.

But please do not ask me to believe the rosy reports from the government there; we kinda know how they run. Or ask the locals here how honest they are overall...?
some people we know are waaaay more likely to die due to their own mistakes made on a dive trip than they are from the flu
Again, your words. Here you are comparing dive accidents, accidental diver deaths, to flu deaths. You might want to read your own posts FF:eyebrow:

I didn't have to read them, I wrote them. You interpreted it to say:

pilot fish:
As I pointed out to firefyter, when he posted the silly statement that more people would probably die from dive accidents than the swine flu.

If you can't see the difference in those two statements, I can't help you. After this exchange, I totally understand why most people on this board discount everything you say. Your interpretation of everything you read is highly suspect, therefore most of your arguments are baseless. I'm through with this, you just made one more in a long line of ignore lists.....
How about a little perspective....109,000,000 people live in Mexico...2500 sick...160 deaths...not like these are huge percentages. How many people in the US have a cold or the flu right now? Should we shut down the borders? Cancel all incoming flights? Cancel cruises? In an average year 36,000 people die from one strain of flu or another. Just use some common sense, wash your hands regularily, keep them out of your mouth, don't sneeze or cough all over everyone and if you are sick, stay home.
don, this is looking more amd more like a waste of time trying to advice coz divers to proceed with caution regarding this swine flu outbreak in mexico. The coz dive industry, and it's staff, are content to tell thier fellow divers to " disregard the flu hype, the flu hysteria" and, come on down and dive:shakehead:

first of all i have not read any posts from any cozumel operators or staff say the words disregard you may interpret whatever you want, i am a cancun operator and want people to know not my facts or yours, but who facts, i really don't care for doctors that expose this or that about whatever, like in a trial both lawyer and public defender bring doctors to assure or deny cientifically. Nor do i care about the telegraph or whatever newspaper news media of any kind.
I obviously do not want to have our repeat clients that we depend on that a lot to come here and get infected and die, first of all i appreciate and care for them, second at our dive shop many families depend on them and i have witnessed on this board people like christi providing real information on hurricanes or storms, for people to postpone their trips, i have done the same, so we are not saying anything but keep informed, get real information and take desitions, that is it, no one has down played the situation at all, and no one has said disregard, i have posted official info, if it is your case that the telegraph or cnn or whatever news paper website blogs etc. You base your info on then that is your right and to share it as well, myself i prefer official information and i do not think the united nations would lie or tell people it is ok to travel or is it part of a huge international plot???
We dove all day today in cancun had awesome dives, our divers new and longtime clients are not shaking hands, we have a hand sanitizer available as well but there are people here, still 00 cases in this state and that is the truth, a lot may say whatever you want even i agree on how bad the mexican gvmt can be, but in this matters i don't think so.
If it is your choice not to come here then stay home well but there are many places now in the world with this, and from my limited knowledge from a surgeon and specialist on respiratory illnesses and part of the mexican health commitee, this illness does have a cure if attended on time, some have died because of complications with other illnesses.
Everyone has a right to their opinion and post here but don't you start getting confused on at least my posts that come from official information, that may be downplayed by you. I do not want my divers to get sick, but i want them to know the facts so they take wise desitions some people cannot take any other time off. I also know for a fact that us and christi would rather cancel a dive than put anyone at risk, because we depend on them to make a living. And now for you to know my personal opinion, this is being blown out of proportion, and like in diving if you follow guidelines you will be ok if you do not then you have a problem, unfortunately here some people follow guidelines from media news feeding frenzy than real official information.
The truth is i am here now, christi is in coz now and we are diving and we have not heard of a friend or a family member of a friend or anyone getting it, yes the federal govmt is taking actions and closing down places where there are big concentrations of people, and some cruises avoided cozumel, that is taking precautions.
Again dive operations on this forum are not using the words disregard no matter what you think. My recommendation to you, get certified, come diving after the flu, be well and be well informed.
Again world health organization
17 total deaths 16 not 160 it is sixteen in mexico 1 in usa
not my numbers, not the media numbers.....real numbers according to who and when who says do not come to cancun i will post it as well.
To be clear, the lower numbers of 16 or 17 dead or whatever, reflect those tests having met WHO confirmation requirements. It is likely that some of the initial 160 (or whatever) dead would have been positive had proper tests been concluded....but how many one can only guess now. Testing the dead likely has a lower priority (assuming there are samples) than the living. I'm still planning to come in June as per my air per WHO's view that the virus is now world-wide and cannot be geographically contained.
Well since no one trust the locals I guess I'm going to have to go to Cozumel and check this out for myself. Interview dive operators and divemasters. Sample the local food, beer and wine. Might take a week. See you at Casa Del Mar tomorrow.

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