The Swine Flu thing...

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If you can get from Canada to IAH the fares on Continental from IAH to CZM are dirt cheap right now :) I'm just sayin :)

Mexicana airlines will fly to Mexico City then to Cancun. I am bothered by going to that spot. As I am bothered by Huston. Maybe the hype has hit me now. Being layed up with the flu for almost 5 days now takes its toll. I wonder what strain I have.
-weak muscle, aches, light sensitivity, sinus filled with cement, cough, sneezing. T3s helped me sleep, decongestants didnt work, slept on couch sitting up, wife abandoned me.(O well at least I had my remote)
ChichñÏ Itz closed until further notice
Mexico closes archeological sites to stop flu spread

add another souce
Mexico closes pyramids as swine flu spreads

add following sentence:

I read this article in Japanese news site and Japanese TV.
Dr. Tashiro, Japanese member of WHO emergency committee , was interviewed by Japanese media in Geneva, and said

If human to human infection is confirmed outside Mexico and U.S., WHO will discuss about level 4 to 5.
Poison of Swine flu is not strong, so pandemic will end soon.
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Mexicana airlines will fly to Mexico City then to Cancun. I am bothered by going to that spot. As I am bothered by Huston. Maybe the hype has hit me now. Being layed up with the flu for almost 5 days now takes its toll. I wonder what strain I have.
-weak muscle, aches, light sensitivity, sinus filled with cement, cough, sneezing. T3s helped me sleep, decongestants didnt work, slept on couch sitting up, wife abandoned me.(O well at least I had my remote)
I trust that you saw a doctor and have been screened for swine flu...?
When you want to fly, and what airport? Delta is showing flights.
So are other airlines. You didn't answer me, so I just looked at a date - prices includes taxes and fees...

No I would not want to change plans in Mexico City.

Changes in Phoenix...



ABC news interviewed "Patient Zero" on the evening news. Depending on the source, he is a 4 or 5 year old boy living in La Gloria, a village of 2000, outside of Veracruz. I was mistaken in an earlier post to say the the town was outside of Tampico.

What has public health officials so worried is that it was reported that 800 of the 2000 residents contracted the flu. It is highly transmissible between human and we don't know how it will mutate. That makes it one very scary bug.

I was working in a museum in Texas that housed the statistical records of service members in WWI. We got a request from a county in the Texas panhandle for the names of all the local service related deaths. I spent two days looking through cards that listed every single Texan who died in WWI. A full third of them listed the cause of death as influenza. The Spanish Flu of 1918/1919 is what is driving this hysteria and for good reason.

Becky and I are booked for a Coz trip in August. We have not even thought about changing our plans. At this time I fully support Carnival's decision to cancel stops in Mexico. Right now, nothing could be worse than a big ship having an outbreak of flu on board.
It's a serious threat, SW, but it has been blown way out of proportion by the media who have nothing better at the moment to sensationalize. As soon as they do this will become back page news. The next phase in the media, and I give it about two weeks, will be "Come on back - Everything is fine" advertisements and deals from the airlines, hotels and cruise lines. If I were you I would get out of infectious NYC as soon as you are able and get to some place clean - like Cozumel.
I would sooooo love to be heading to Cozumel right now.... but my dad is facing major surgery in Toronto so I'm having to pack up the car and hit the road the northern border tomorrow. :depressed: (been going through training to run home dialysis for my FIL for the past 4wks.... )

This is the first time in about 6 yrs that we haven't had a trip to Coz in March/April.... if dad pulls through and all is well with my FIL & MIL, we'll be checking out last minute deals and heading down for 7-10 days in mid-June for sure! We are VERY MUCH in need of some good diving and r&r, and Cozumel is top of our list for both. :D
THAT is just craziness!!! :shakehead:

Does that mean Chichen Itza, Tulum, Coba, Ek Balam.... are ALL closed now??? Sheesh, ridiculous! I'm not an AI vacationer, but seriously, I'd be more concerned with AI buffets and the "eco parks" like Xel Ha and Xcaret right now then I would be about Mayan ruin sites.

Craziness.... just craziness... :confused:
THAT is just craziness!!! :shakehead:

Does that mean Chichen Itza, Tulum, Coba, Ek Balam.... are ALL closed now??? Sheesh, ridiculous! I'm not an AI vacationer, but seriously, I'd be more concerned with AI buffets and the "eco parks" like Xel Ha and Xcaret right now then I would be about Mayan ruin sites.

Craziness.... just craziness... :confused:

No it is not crazy. They are trying to make a point to minimize the amount of people to people contact. That is how you minimize an outbreak. The Mexican government is really worried. Best way for this to burn out is for people to bunker down
No it is not crazy. They are trying to make a point to minimize the amount of people to people contact. That is how you minimize an outbreak. The Mexican government is really worried. Best way for this to burn out is for people to bunker down
I've never experienced any level of "person to person contact" at ruin sites. I really do think you will get more spreading at AI resorts (hundreds pawing the serving utensils at the buffet, taking things with their hands...) and parks like Xel Ha or Xcaret then at the archaeological sites.

IF there were reported cases in the local population or in vacationers still in the area in Q. Roo then I could absolutely understand this. Zero reports. To me it just doesn't make sense to shut down archaeological sites that are spread out and don't result in huddled masses or bodily contact between visitors.

If "the experts" have data that now indicates (no guesses or maybe's) that this will be a worldwide death threat, then lets have the national health depts (like the CDC) and governments issue a ban on travel to/from Mexico. If the CDC and it's counterparts in other countries, and the WHO, is not ready to do that, then advise people to be diligent with proper hygiene and to be aware of the symptoms, but don't shut down the entire country. If its not a threat in Q.Roo then why restrict tourism there? NYC has the most confirmed cases in the US. Should we quarantine the city and anyone who commutes in daily for work?
ABC news interviewed "Patient Zero" on the evening news. Depending on the source, he is a 4 or 5 year old boy living in La Gloria, a village of 2000, outside of Veracruz. I was mistaken in an earlier post to say the the town was outside of Tampico.
Poor kid. So much for patient privacy. Pics, vids, real name exposed.
What has public health officials so worried is that it was reported that 800 of the 2000 residents contracted the flu. It is highly transmissible between human and we don't know how it will mutate. That makes it one very scary bug.

I was working in a museum in Texas that housed the statistical records of service members in WWI. We got a request from a county in the Texas panhandle for the names of all the local service related deaths. I spent two days looking through cards that listed every single Texan who died in WWI. A full third of them listed the cause of death as influenza. The Spanish Flu of 1918/1919 is what is driving this hysteria and for good reason.

Becky and I are booked for a Coz trip in August. We have not even thought about changing our plans. At this time I fully support Carnival's decision to cancel stops in Mexico. Right now, nothing could be worse than a big ship having an outbreak of flu on board.
Yep, that was a worse case scenario - medical science of the time, supplies limited, troops in confined and challenging camps, etc. We are fortunate that we have such better ways to defend.
No it is not crazy. They are trying to make a point to minimize the amount of people to people contact. That is how you minimize an outbreak. The Mexican government is really worried. Best way for this to burn out is for people to bunker down
Yeah, you're right. As much as I hate to see anyone lose a trip now, as much as I hate to see the locals in the Yucatan suffer from lack of business, as much as travel curtailment is going to hurt global business, etc - curtailing travel, especially in crowded planes, buses, and ships, is a logical move.

Is discouraging travel to Mexico any more logical than travel within the US? Probly yes for various reasons...
That is ground zero. Rationalize as you might, we've just started analyzing and fighting so we don't have all the answers about this yet - other than it does seem to be stronger there than here? I have personal opinions on why it may, but whatever - it's still ground zero. We have some cases in the US but the numbers pale in comparison.

The Mexican government has its hands full supplying medical needs to fight this, and control panic to the point of posting armed soldiers at hospitals to turn people away. They need to minimize for a few weeks and get it over with, not deal with us too.

And there are more, but enough for now.​
We can debate it more if you'd like, and I'll help those who want to find flights to go, but - not going is more prudent, yeah.

The airlines are probly reacting only to demand tho. I bet they are getting cancellations like crazy for non-essential trips, which is why some are canceling flights to the Yuc but still going to Mexico City - demand.

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