The Story

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Las Vegas, but seeing how it is land locked, Lenny the three eyed gnome with size 13 feet said "Don't worry, we can tour with another group where the submarine can dock." And magically, the submarine was transported to the Island of Mallorca Spain where they rocked to the unforgettable tunes of David Hasselhoff.

Meanwhile, Dr. Evil and Fat Bastard, along with their new cohort, Kikki the Wonder Hippo.............
were plotting to capture all of them and turn them into Fat Bastard Chow. The evil crew laughed......and laughed........and laughed........and laughed..........and laughed.........and laughed..........and laughed.......
Until Scubaren told them about the evil plot


Using scuba gear, Ren swam to the sub and told our intrepid group "....
At that point, things quickly went out of control, with the crew all clammering to outdo each other's stories of the times they burnt down the place, lighting their own ..............................
Butt hairs on fire after.......
hagas Subway sandwiches and vegimite with seaquirt dressing. Unbeknownst, their tall tales of one-ups-manship were being overheard by Fat Bastard and Dr. Evil who were laughing & sneering at their outlandish tales. Suddenly interrupted by the booming broadcast into the sub by Fat Bastard who said....

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