All of those I find interesting.

And I agree strongly with the first point in particular. Also, I don't have a substitute for religion... I am not sure why I would need something to go in its place, given I have no need for religion.
A friend of mine has a plaque up on his wall, at home, that says:
"Everyone must believe in something.
I believe I will have another drink."
Everyone has needs of one sort or another. Those are his needs, apparently.
Some folks clearly have no need for any religion, true.
Some of these same folks have however invented science as their religion, unwittingly.
My point of the thread is to caution against using science in that manner, for which it is not intended, and as such it does not function validly.
There is no science-god that will come to all the science-atheists' rescue in any kind of afterlife. And there was no science-god who imprinted on every living being a personality.
To be atheist is simply to "believe" there is nothing out there, remembering that you cannot logically prove a negative, since you cannot infinitely search every cubic inch of the universe yourself.
Science should not be used as a substitute belief system, because it is merely a system and catelog of experiments and findings, coupled with ideas about the interrelationships of the findings in the nomenclature of laws, theories, and hypotheses.
And these "laws and theories" are not even set in stone. They change, over the years and decades. They are just "current science."